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VII European Regional Meeting; Workers; Objection (ERM-VII-SCG-W-O-01)
Serbia and Montenegro
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

VII European Regional Meeting; Workers; Objection (ERM-VII-BLR-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

X African Regional Meeting; Workers; Objection (AfRM-X-MRT-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Committee's jurisdiction; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; Written information furnished by Government

101st Session; Workers; Objection (101-MRT-W-O-02)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

101st Session; Workers; Objection (101-GAB-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

100th Session; Workers; Objection (100-PAK-W-O-02)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: Receivability; Time limit

99th Session; Workers; Objection (099-TTO-W-O-01)
Trinidad and Tobago
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: Receivability; Time limit

98th Session; Workers; Objection (098-ECU-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: Time limit

96th Session; Workers; Objection (096-VEN-W-O-01)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Author of the objection; Objection of advisor against his/her delegate; Refusal to accept own nomination; Time limit; Written information furnished by Government; Hearing of the Government; Hearing of the objecting organization; List of delegations; Situation in the preceding years; Follow-up of the objection; Guidance given by the Committee; Technical assistance by the Office; Expectations of the Committee; Consultation regarding the nomination; Government duty/obligation; Good faith; Agreement regarding the nomination; System of rotation; Nomination imposed by the Government; Freedom of Association; Respect for the principles of Freedom of Association; Trade union pluralism; Government interference; Representativity; Objective criteria

94th (Maritime) Session; Workers; Objection (094-PAK-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

92nd session; Workers; Objection (092-TGO-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

92nd session; Employers; Objection (092-VEN-E-O-01)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Unanimous decision of the Commission; Investigation ex-officio; Request for information by the Committee; Interpretation of the Constitution; Article 3, paragraph 5; Follow-up of the objection; Expectations of the Committee; Consultation regarding the nomination; Government duty/obligation; Agreement regarding the nomination; Freedom of Association; Obligations under the ILO Conventions; Respect for the principles of Freedom of Association; Government interference; Representativity; Representativity in relation to the agenda

91st session; Workers; Objection (091-TGO-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Objection of advisor against his/her delegate; Time limit

90th session; Workers; Objection (090-MAR-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Support for the objection; Written information furnished by Government; Follow-up of the objection; Technical assistance by the Office; Expectations of the Committee; Agreement regarding the nomination; Proposal by the majority of organizations; Representativity; Participation in collective agreements; Results of trade union elections

88th session; Workers; Objection (088-ARE-W-O-01)
United Arab Emirates
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

88th session; Workers; Objection (088-QAT-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

88th session; Workers; Objection (088-TGO-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

88th session; Workers; Objection (088-SAU-W-O-02)
Saudi Arabia
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

88th session; Workers; Objection (088-OMN-W-O-02)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

88th session; Workers; Objection (088-BHR-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

87th session; Workers; Objection (087-PER-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

87th session; Workers; Objection (087-CAF-W-O-01)
Central African Republic
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

86th session; Workers; Objection (086-CMR-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

86th session; Workers; Objection (086-LBR-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

85th session; Workers; Objection (085-TGO-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

84th session; Workers; Objection (084-LBN-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; List of delegations; Objection rejected

80th session; Workers; Objection (080-STP-W-O-01)
Sao Tome and Principe
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

80th session; Workers; Objection (080-PNG-W-O-01)
Papua New Guinea
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit

69th session; Workers; Objection (069-ARG-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Report of ILO supervisory bodies ; Written information furnished by Government; Obligation to substantiate the objection; Incomplete information; Burden of proof; Objection rejected; Follow-up of the objection; Guidance given by the Committee; Representativity; Objective criteria

67th session; Workers; Objection (067-ITA-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

67th session; Workers; Objection (067-BHR-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

64th session; Workers; Objection (064-BGD-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

64th session; Workers; Communication (064-ECU-W-M-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: Receivability; Time limit; COMMUNICATION; Composition of worker delegation

64th session; Workers; Communication (064-ESP-W-M-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: Receivability; Time limit; COMMUNICATION; Composition of worker delegation

64th session; Workers; Communication (064-ITA-W-M-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: Receivability; Time limit; COMMUNICATION; Composition of worker delegation

64th session; Workers; Objection (064-ESP-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

63rd session; Government; Objection (063-CHL-G-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; List of delegations; Objection rejected

63rd session; Workers; Objection (063-ECU-W-O-02)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; List of delegations; Objection rejected

63rd session; Government; Communication (063-MAR-G-M-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; COMMUNICATION; Composition of national delegation

62nd session; Employers; Objection (062-IRQ-E-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

62nd session; Government; Objection (062-PRT-G-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

60th session; Workers; Objection (060-BEN-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; List of delegations; Objection rejected

59th session; Workers; Objection (059-GTM-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

59th session; Government; Objection (059-KHM-G-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Similar facts and allegations; Recognition of governments; Elements of information/assessment; Situation in the preceding years; Objection rejected

59th session; Government; Objection (059-CHL-G-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

59th session; Workers; Objection (059-MAR-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

59th session; Government; Objection (059-VNM-G-O-01)
Viet Nam
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Similar facts and allegations; Elements of information/assessment; Situation in the preceding years; Objection rejected

58th session; Workers; Objection (058-GTM-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; List of delegations; Incomplete information; Objection rejected

58th session; Workers; Objection (058-BFA-W-O-01)
Burkina Faso
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; List of delegations; Objection rejected

58th session; Workers; Objection (058-LKA-W-O-01)
Sri Lanka
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; List of delegations; Objection rejected

57th session; Workers; Objection (057-URY-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; List of delegations; Objection rejected

57th session; Workers; Objection (057-ESP-W-O-02)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; List of delegations; Objection rejected

54th session; Workers; Objection (054-VNM-W-O-02)
Viet Nam
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

53rd session; Employers; Objection (053-MYS-E-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; List of delegations; Objection rejected

53rd session; Workers; Objection (053-GTM-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; List of delegations; Objection rejected

53rd session; Workers; Objection (053-VNM-W-O-01)
Viet Nam
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; List of delegations; Objection rejected

52nd session; Government; Objection (052-CHN-G-O-02)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

52nd session; Government; Objection (052-VNM-G-O-01)
Viet Nam
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

50th session; Workers; Objection (050-VNM-W-O-01)
Viet Nam
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

50th session; Workers; Objection (050-ITA-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

49th session; Workers; Objection (049-GRC-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Form of the objection; Objection rejected

49th session; Workers; Objection (049-MAR-W-O-02)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

49th session; Workers; Objection (049-URY-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

49th session; Workers; Objection (049-MDG-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

48th session; Workers; Objection (048-BDI-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

47th session; Workers; Objection (047-URY-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

47th session; Workers; Objection (047-PAK-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Committee's jurisdiction; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; Written information furnished by Government; Obligation to substantiate the objection; Objection rejected

46th session; Workers; Objection (046-COG-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

44th session; Workers; Objection (044-ITA-W-O-02)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

44th session; Workers; Objection (044-ITA-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Similar facts and allegations; Elements of information/assessment; Written information furnished by Government; Written information furnished by third-party; Situation in the preceding years; Objection rejected; Representativity; Objective criteria

43rd session; Workers; Objection (043-CHL-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

43rd session; Workers; Objection (043-LBY-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

43rd session; Workers; Objection (043-DOM-W-O-01)
Dominican Republic
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

42nd session; Workers; Objection (042-FRA-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Similar facts and allegations; Elements of information/assessment; Written information furnished by the author of the objection; Situation in the preceding years; Objection rejected; Follow-up of the objection; Expectations of the Committee; Representativity; Objective criteria

40th session; Workers; Objection (040-ARG-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

40th session; Workers; Objection (040-URY-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

39th session; Workers; Objection (039-CHL-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; Written information furnished by the author of the objection; Objection rejected

38th session; Workers; Objection (038-URY-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected; COMMUNICATION; Composition of worker delegation

38th session; Workers; Objection (038-PHL-W-O-01)
View the document in: English; French; Spanish
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected; COMMUNICATION; Composition of worker delegation

37th session; Government; Objection (037-DOM-G-O-01)
Dominican Republic
View the document in: English
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; Written information furnished by the author of the objection; Objection rejected

36th session; Workers; Objection (036-IRL-W-O-01)
View the document in: English
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; Written information furnished by the author of the objection; Objection rejected

35th session; Workers; Objection (035-ZAF-W-O-01)
South Africa
View the document in: English
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected

32nd session; Workers; Objection (032-IRL-W-O-01)
View the document in: English
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; Written information furnished by the author of the objection; Objection rejected

29th session; Workers; Objection (029-GRC-W-O-01)
View the document in: English
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; Written information furnished by Government; Written information furnished by the author of the objection; Written information furnished by third-party; Invalidation; Minority proposal; Objection rejected; Follow-up of the objection; Expectations of the Committee; Representativity

17th session; Workers; Objection (017-MEX-W-O-01)
View the document in: English
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; Written information furnished by the author of the objection; Written information furnished by third-party; Hearing of the Government; Objection rejected; Follow-up of the objection; Expectations of the Committee

13th session; Employers; Objection (013-IND-E-O-01)
View the document in: English
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; Written information furnished by Government; Written information furnished by the author of the objection; Hearing of the Government; Hearing of the objecting organization; Hearing of the third party; Objection rejected; Follow-up of the objection; Expectations of the Committee; Agreement regarding the nomination; Government efforts; Representativity; National representativeness

12th session; Workers; Objection (012-IND-W-O-01)
View the document in: English
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Elements of information/assessment; Written information furnished by the author of the objection; Objection rejected

10th session; Workers; Objection (010-ROM-W-O-01)
View the document in: English
Keywords: OBJECTION; Receivability; Time limit; Objection rejected; Representativity

Last updated on Monday - 17 June 2024 at 17:30:32^ top