Information System on International Labour Standards

Supervising the application of International Labour Standards for Albania

ILO Member: Member from 1920 to 1967 and since 22.05.1991 - ILO Region: Europe - Correspondence language for the ILO: English

Country situation on reporting obligations

Regular reporting (Art. 22/35)
Comments adopted by the CEACR
General survey reporting (Art. 19)
  1. Sessions submitted
    79-81, 82 (R183, C176), 83, 84 (R186, C178, P147), 85, 87, 88, 90 (P155), 91, 94, 95 (R197, C187), 108 (C190)
  2. Sessions not submitted
    78, 82 (P081), 84 (R185, R187, C179, C180), 86, 89, 90 (R193, R194), 92, 95 (R198), 96, 99-101, 103, 104, 106, 108 (R206), 111 - See list

Examination by the supervisory bodies

Comments of the Committee of Experts (CEACR)
  1. Observation on the application of a Convention: C081, C087, C098, C129, C143, MLC, 2006
  2. Direct request on the application of a Convention: C081, C097, C129, C143, C156, MLC, 2006
  3. Observation on submission to competent authorities: 2023
Discussion at the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards (CAS)

    Observations made by employers' and workers' organizations (Art. 23)

    Complaints procedures

    Freedom of Association cases
    1. Follow-up: 1
    2. Closed: 2
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