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Observation (CEACR) - adopted 1993, published 80th ILC session (1993)

Placing of Seamen Convention, 1920 (No. 9) - Mexico (Ratification: 1939)

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The Committee takes note of the information provided by the Government in reply to its earlier comments. The Government indicates, with reference to its previous reports, that the employment of seafarers in Mexico is effected under the procedures and conditions of work agreed to by employers and workers. It also states that the National Employment Service offers its services to all applicants including those who would like to work on board and that private employment agencies do not participate in finding employment for seafarers.

While noting this information, the Committee would like to draw the Government's attention once again to the fact that the practice for the placement of seafarers which was described in the previous reports, to which reference is made in the Government's present report, is not in conformity with the provisions of Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention, which requires each member State to ensure the organization and maintenance of an efficient and adequate system of employment offices for finding employment for seafarers without charge, which may be organized and maintained either (a) by representative associations of shipowners and seafarers jointly under the control of a central authority, or (b) by the State itself. The Committee therefore requests the Government to indicate, in its next report, measures taken or envisaged to ensure placement of seafarers in accordance with the provisions of the Convention. It also asks the Government to supply information concerning the work of the National Employment Service in regard of seafarers, indicating, in particular, the number of applications for employment received, the number of vacancies notified and the number of seafarers placed in employment, if any, by its offices. Please also indicate steps that have been taken to coordinate the work of various employment offices on a national basis (paragraph 3).

Article 5. With reference to its earlier comments, the Committee notes that there is no new information in the report concerning the constitution of committees consisting of an equal number of representatives of shipowners and seafarers which should be consulted on matters concerning the carrying on of the employment offices for seafarers. It can but reiterate its hope that the Government will not fail to adopt appropriate measures in order to establish a consultation procedure in accordance with the provisions of this Article and asks the Government to report any progress made in this regard.

Article 10, paragraph 1. The Committee refers to its comments under Article 4 above and notes the information on the difficulties encountered by the National Employment Service in processing the statistical data on the employment of seafarers. It expresses the hope that such information will be communicated by the Government as soon as it is available, as required by this Article.

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