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Reports requested and received on Employment injury protection: Lao People's Democratic Republic

Reports delivery by 29 Feb 2024


Download the report form as: (pdf 598kb, pdf 155kb)
ConventionRatifiedType of ReportStatus of report
C012NoArt. 19Received
C019NoArt. 19Received
C102NoArt. 19Received
C121NoArt. 19Received
R025 Art. 19Received
R121 Art. 19Received

Reports requested and received on Labour Administration: Lao People's Democratic Republic

Reports delivery by 28 Feb 2023


Download the report form as: (pdf 323kb, word 107kb)
ConventionRatifiedType of ReportStatus of report
C150NoArt. 19Received
R158 Art. 19Received
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