Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 1990, Publicación: 77ª reunión CIT (1990)

Convenio sobre el seguro de enfermedad (industria), 1927 (núm. 24) - Chile (Ratificación : 1931)

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1. The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in its report. In particular, it notes with interest the information concerning the application of Article 2 of the Convention, to the effect that in December 1988 the transitional emergency programmes known as the "Minimum Employment Programme" (PEM) and the "Employment Programme for Heads of Household" (POJH) were terminated. As a consequence, as of 1 January 1989, no one is registered under these transitional assistance programmes.

2. Article 7, paragraph 1. The Committee notes that the Government's reports contain no reply to its previous comments. It therefore once again requests the Government to indicate the provision whereby effect is given to this Article of the Convention, under which employers shall share in providing the financial resources of the sickness insurance fund.

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