Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1993, Publicación: 80ª reunión CIT (1993)

Convenio sobre la cerusa (pintura), 1921 (núm. 13) - República Democrática Popular Lao (Ratificación : 1964)

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  2. 2009

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The Committee notes with regret that the Government's report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the following matters raised in its previous direct request:

The Committee noted the information supplied by the Government in its report for 1989. It noted the Government's indication that industrial development in Lao was at a low level and the use of white lead, sulphate of lead and all products containing this pigment had not appeared in the country, so that the Government had not yet enacted an ordinance on the use of white lead in accordance with the Convention. The Government added that what was used in painting in the country was usually in the form of paste, or paint ready for use, or spray which was imported from abroad. Finally, the Government indicated that it would try to follow the use of white lead in the country and, if it appeared, legislation would be enacted.

The Committee took note of this undertaking. It once again trusts the Government is aware that paste, paint ready for use or spray may contain white lead or sulphate of lead, and requests the Government to indicate any measures taken to ensure that no paste, paint ready for use or spray is imported which contains substances whose use should be prohibited under Article 1 of the Convention in the internal painting of buildings (except where considered necessary for industrial establishments after tripartite consultation, or if the lead content is below 2 per cent).

The Committee moreover hopes that, when the adoption or amendment of broader legislation on safety and health is next considered, the use of white lead will also be regulated in conformity with the Convention, and that the Government will also supply information on all measures taken or contemplated to this end.

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