Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1993, Publicación: 80ª reunión CIT (1993)

Convenio sobre la discriminación (empleo y ocupación), 1958 (núm. 111) - España (Ratificación : 1967)

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With reference to its previous direct requests, the Committee notes the information contained in the Government's report, including the attached legislative texts and judicial decisions concerning wage discrimination on the basis of sex.

1. The Committee notes the detailed information provided on the programmes undertaken by, inter alia, the Women's Institute and the Industrial Organization School and the National Employment Institute (INEM) with the Ministry of Social Affairs, to promote access to employment and vocational and professional job training for women workers. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would continue to supply information on these programmes, including statistical data on the results achieved, or on any other activities designed to promote equality of opportunity and treatment in employment and occupation for women.

2. With reference to the Bill aimed at replacing the Decree of 26 July 1957 concerning industries and occupations prohibited to women workers, the Committee notes from the Government's latest report that the Bill (Draft Labour Health Act) is currently at an advanced stage in the procedure and an agreement has been reached with the most representative trade union confederations. The Committee once again requests the Government to supply a copy of the new Act once it has been promulgated.

3. The Committee notes the information supplied on the progress achieved to guarantee to the Roma (gypsy) minority access to employment and training, evidenced by the number of courses and the number of students belonging to the Roma minority that have benefited from the programmes included in the National Vocational Training and Integration Plan (FIP Plan) for vocational training of socially marginal persons and ethnic minorities. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would continue supplying information on further measures that have been implemented or are contemplated to guarantee the Roma minority equal access to employment and training.

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