Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 2007, Publicación: 97ª reunión CIT (2008)

Convenio sobre los métodos para la fijación de salarios mínimos, 1928 (núm. 26) - Uganda (Ratificación : 1963)

Otros comentarios sobre C026

Solicitud directa
  1. 2005
  2. 2004
  3. 2003
  4. 2002
  5. 1998
  6. 1993

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The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It also notes the adoption of the Employment Act, 2006, which it will examine at its next session. The Committee trusts that the Government will supply detailed information in its next report on the application of all the provisions of the Convention. The Committee also requests the Government to reply to its previous observation and in particular to send available data concerning changes in the minimum wage and the rate of inflation, and also the average wage by branch of activity and occupation.

[The Government is asked to report in detail in 2008.]

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