Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2008, Publicación: 98ª reunión CIT (2009)

Convenio sobre la discriminación (empleo y ocupación), 1958 (núm. 111) - Islandia (Ratificación : 1963)

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Article 2 of the Convention. Equality of opportunity and treatment of men and women. The Committee recalls its previous comments on the 2004 Action Plan to promote gender equality which provides for an external evaluation of the results achieved two years after its adoption. In that regard, the Committee notes from the Government’s report that in March 2007 the Minister of Social Affairs presented to Parliament a report describing the status of the various projects implemented under the Action Plan and the results thereof. The Committee also notes that the Ministry is currently drafting a project aimed at assessing whether men and women benefit equally from the services for the unemployed provided by job centres. Furthermore, in 2006 a survey was carried out to examine the factors affecting the wages and career advancement of men and women. This survey indicated, among other things, that in 1994, after childbirth, women’s interest in promotions and management positions decreased while men’s interest increased. However, this attitude has changed, and in 2006 no difference was found between men’s and women’s interest. The Committee requests the Government to supply information on the findings of the external evaluation regarding the Action Plan to promote gender equality as well as on the results of the project intended to assess the functioning of job centres. The Committee also asks the Government to continue to provide information on studies, surveys and projects concerning equality of opportunity and treatment of men and women, and the measures taken to follow-up on the respective findings and recommendations.

With regard to occupational sex segregation in the labour market, the Committee notes the Government’s statement that the Icelandic job market continues to be both horizontally and vertically segregated. The Committee notes, however, that initiatives are being taken by a number of Ministries with a view to addressing the problem, including at the level of education and supporting women’s entrepreneurship. The Committee also notes a multi-stakeholder initiative, including the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, involving the publishing of an Equality Indicator. A report was also commissioned by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to evaluate to what extent the various measures taken by the Government to support businesses had benefited women. The Report which was published in 2005 shows that while women were more likely to apply for business grants and loans, men were more likely to receive funding and, further, they usually received higher amounts. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the implementation of the various initiatives taken to address occupational sex segregation in the public and private sectors, and to indicate the results achieved.

Equality of opportunity and treatment irrespective of race, colour and national extraction. The Committee recalls its previous comments regarding the condition of foreign workers and its request for information on the measures taken to protect them from discrimination in employment and occupation on the basis of race, colour or national extraction. The Committee notes from the Government’s report that a new law on temporary work agencies was adopted in 2005 requiring temporary work agencies to pay their workers at least the minimum legal wage as well as to provide the Directorate of Labour with information about the workers hired through the agency. The Committee also notes that in 2007 a draft law was prepared regarding the rights and obligations of foreign companies which send employees on a temporary basis to Iceland, particularly with regard to the remuneration to be paid to these employees. The purpose of this law is to ensure compliance with regulations and collective agreements for the benefit of the employees who come to the country on a temporary assignment. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on further developments concerning the adoption of the draft law on foreign companies. It also requests the Government to continue to provide information on any measures taken or envisaged to promote and ensure equality of opportunity and treatment, irrespective of race, colour or national extraction. Please also indicate whether any cases regarding ethnic discrimination in employment and occupation have been brought before the courts or other competent authorities.

Parts IV and V of the report form.The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the activities carried out by the Labour Inspectorate to monitor compliance with the principles of the Convention and their findings. Please also continue to supply information regarding judicial decisions relevant to the application of the Convention.

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