Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2011, Publicación: 101ª reunión CIT (2012)

Convenio sobre los trabajadores con responsabilidades familiares, 1981 (núm. 156) - Paraguay (Ratificación : 2007)

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Article 1 of the Convention. Definitions. The Committee notes that, according to the Government, the legislation considers “dependent children” to be those under 18 years, at which age they acquire their “majority”. The Committee requests the Government to indicate whether there are other provisions under which the Convention would apply to other members of the worker’s immediate family who clearly need care or support, as provided for under Article 1(2) of the Convention.
Article 3. National policy. The Committee notes that the Government has adopted measures to ensure that the National Tripartite Commission for Equal Opportunities (CTIO) might have more success in incorporating the gender dimension in draft legislation. The Government also points out that workshops on the implementation of the Convention have been held in cooperatives and in the Vice Ministry for Labour and Social Security, and that activities to promote awareness of the situation of working mothers have been organized. The Committee requests the Government to continue providing information on the measures adopted or envisaged as part of the national equal opportunities policy to enable persons with family responsibilities who are engaged or wish to engage in employment to exercise their right to do so without being subject to discrimination, and to indicate the impact of such measures on the enforcement of the Convention.
Article 4. Conditions of employment and social security. The Committee notes that the Government, according to its report, is encouraging the establishment and capacity building of micro-enterprises or neighbourhood groups within the community to carry out large scale public investment programmes, in which work for women is promoted. The Committee recalls in this respect that the objective of the Convention is to promote equality of opportunity and treatment for men and women workers with family responsibilities, as well between these workers and others. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in what manner the measures already adopted in connection with the wide scale implementation of public investment works are connected to the implementation of the Convention. The Committee also asks the Government whether it has adopted or is envisaging adopting, either in the public or private sector, other measures, such as training or vocational training, flexibilization of working hours, part-time work, homework or leave of absence to take care of children, which would enable men and women workers with family responsibilities who are engaged or wish to engage in employment to enjoy the same opportunities as other workers, without being the subject of discrimination.
Article 5. Childcare services and facilities. The Committee notes from the Government’s report that the CTIO has promoted the setting up of day care centres for the children of men and women workers, both in the public and private sectors. The Committee requests the Government to continue providing information on any progress made in this respect, as well as on any other measures adopted that are compatible with national conditions and possibilities, to take account of the needs of workers with family responsibilities.
Article 6. Information and education. The Committee notes that the Government refers to a number of measures to be adopted including: the participation of the CTIO in discussions on legislative changes connected with the situation of women workers; the organization of workshops on these legislative changes and social security; the training of trainers and advocates of human rights and equal opportunity; and the creation of facilities for gender training in the community. The Committee requests the Government to send additional information on the practical application of these measures and their impact on the promotion of ways to ensure a better sharing of family responsibilities between men and women and a better awareness of the principles of the Convention.
Article 7. Vocational guidance and training. The Committee notes the general information submitted by the Government on training objectives. The Committee requests the Government once again to supply more detailed information on the programmes implemented to tackle the difficulties faced by workers with family responsibilities in acquiring or perfecting the necessary qualifications for finding employment. The Committee also requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to ensure that the staff of vocational guidance, advisory and information services, and also those of placement services, receive appropriate training with regard to the elimination of discrimination, so that they can adequately respond to the special needs of workers with family responsibilities.
Article 9. Collective agreements. The Committee requests the Government to state whether progress has been made in the application of the Convention through collective bargaining on subjects such as the recognition of the right to parental leave in the case of adoption, special leave for sickness or for taking care of children and leave related to the care of other family members, or on the promotion of greater flexibility in the length of leave.
Part V of the report form. The Committee requests the Government to continue sending statistical information on the number of workers with family responsibilities, by branch of activity who are in employment or who are seeking employment, disaggregated by sex.
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