Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2016, Publicación: 106ª reunión CIT (2017)

Convenio sobre la edad mínima, 1973 (núm. 138) - Nepal (Ratificación : 1997)

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Article 8 of the Convention. Artistic performances. Following its previous comments, the Committee notes the Government’s information, in its report, that, in practice, children under the age of 14 years participate in artistic performances and such activities are regulated by Education Directives 2068 (2012) of the Ministry of Education. The Directives have listed the co-curricular activities, including artistic performances that may be performed by children under the age of 14. For participation of children for any artistic performances listed under the Education Directives, outside school, approval has to be sought from the District Education Office. The Committee requests that the Government indicate whether permission for artistic performances, outside school, by children under the minimum age is granted by the District Education Office on the basis of individual permits and whether such permits limit the number of hours of, and prescribe the conditions for, such authorized work, in conformity with Article 8 of the Convention. The Committee requests that the Government provide a copy of the Education Directives 2068.
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