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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1987, publiée 74ème session CIT (1987)

Convention (n° 94) sur les clauses de travail (contrats publics), 1949 - Burundi (Ratification: 1963)

Autre commentaire sur C094

Demande directe
  1. 1998
  2. 1997
  3. 1996
  4. 1995
  5. 1991
  6. 1987

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

Article 2 of the Convention and part V of the report form. The Committee refers to its observation. It requests the Government to indicate the manner of determining the conditions of employment regarded as being established under section 2 of Presidential Decree No. 100/49. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would also supply information concerning the practical effect given to the Convention, and particularly concerning the number of contracts and workers covered by the legislation, the steps taken to determine the conditions of employment established for all the workers in the occupation or industry concerned and which will be extended to workers in the service of employers operating under a public contract (with particular reference to wages and hours of work), and the number and nature of contraventions that are reported.

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