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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1993, publiée 80ème session CIT (1993)

Convention (n° 107) relative aux populations aborigènes et tribales, 1957 - Pakistan (Ratification: 1960)

Autre commentaire sur C107

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1. The Committee notes that the Government's report of March 1992 states that no further action had been taken on the points raised in the Committee's direct request of 1988. It hopes that in its next report the Government will be able to provide more detailed information which will allow a comprehensive evaluation of the situation of the different tribal populations of the country. It hopes that the Government will distinguish, to the greatest degree possible, between the situation in the tribal areas of the North West Frontier Province and those in Baluchistan.

2. Articles 2 and 27 of the Convention. The Committee recalls that in its previous comments it requested the Government to provide additional information on the development programme for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATAs) and the special development programme for the FATAs and PATAs (Provincially Administered Tribal Areas). It recalls that the last information provided in the context of the present Convention related to the period ending in 1988, and notes that since then other such plans may have been implemented. Please indicate (a) what plan is presently in force, and (b) the results of the earlier plans in the tribal areas. The Committee hopes the Government will continue to provide information in its future reports on the implementation of these programmes.

3. Article 3. Please indicate any measures undertaken since the last report to extend national legislation to the tribal areas.

4. Article 5. Please indicate whether any measures have been taken to obtain the collaboration and involvement of these populations and their representatives in the formulation and implementation of programmes intended to implement the Convention. The Committee notes in this connection, from the Government's 1986 report under the UN Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (doc. CERD/C/149/Add.12) that tribal representatives are nominated to participate in seminars and other forms of nation-building activities. Please indicate also whether they have been consulted in establishing the Government's report.

5. Article 7. The Committee notes with interest the adoption of the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, No. III of 1992 which renders void and inoperative any custom, tradition or practice requiring bonded labour. Please indicate whether it has been extended to the areas inhabited by tribal populations, and if so, provide information on how it has been applied in these areas since its adoption in March 1992. This question is dealt with more generally under Convention No. 29.

6. The Committee recalls the statement by the Government in its 1987 report that it was considering a proposal to establish an employment cell in the Provincial Government of NWFP, for the reservation of a certain number of government jobs for members of the tribal populations. Please indicate whether any steps have been taken in this regard. Please also provide information on the opportunities for employment which have been created for the tribal population as a result of government-sponsored activities, including development projects.

7. Article 15. Please provide information on how conditions of work are supervized in the tribal areas, including in particular the activities of the labour inspectorate. Please also provide information on whether any labour laws have been extended to the tribal areas (see also under Article 3).

8. Articles 21 to 26. Please provide information on the present educational system in the tribal areas, including literacy programmes and vocational training.

9. Please indicate the language of instruction in the primary schools in the tribal areas and any steps which may have been taken to preserve the mother tongue or vernacular language.

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