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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 1998, publiée 87ème session CIT (1999)

Convention (n° 98) sur le droit d'organisation et de négociation collective, 1949 - Japon (Ratification: 1953)

Autre commentaire sur C098

Demande directe
  1. 1997

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes the comments made by the Japan National Hospital Workers' Union (JNHWU) on the application of the Convention. In a communication dated 23 November 1998, the Government states that it is drawing up its comments on the matters raised by JNHWU and expresses its intention to submit them to the ILO before the 1999 session of the Committee. The Committee awaits the Government's response thereon, as well as on the issues raised in its previous observation, namely the negotiation rights of public employees and the exclusion of certain matters from negotiation in state enterprises.

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