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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2004, publiée 93ème session CIT (2005)

Convention (n° 87) sur la liberté syndicale et la protection du droit syndical, 1948 - Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines (Ratification: 2001)

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Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee takes note of the Government’s report. The Committee notes that according to the Government, there has been no change in law or practice in applying the Convention. The Committee recalls that its previous comments concerned the following issues:

(a)  the need to amend section 11(3) of the Trade Unions Act so as to eliminate the discretionary authority of the Registrar in respect of the registration of trade unions; and

(b)  the need to amend section 25 of the Trade Unions Act so as to limit the powers of the Registrar to conduct investigations into the accounts of trade unions.

The Committee further recalls that it had requested the Government to provide information on any practical application in recent years of the Public Order Act’s provisions with regard to the conduct of strike action.

The Committee requests the Government to furnish information in respect of the aforesaid matters in its next report.

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