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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2005, publiée 95ème session CIT (2006)

Convention (n° 129) sur l'inspection du travail (agriculture), 1969 - Roumanie (Ratification: 1975)

Autre commentaire sur C129

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Publication of an annual report. The Committee notes the Government’s report and the useful information provided in response to its previous comments. Also referring to its observation on the application of Convention No. 81, it notes that the annual report on the system of labour inspection for 2003 communicated by the Government does not contain any specific information on the work of the inspection services in agriculture. The Committee points out in this regard that, under Article 26 of the Convention, an annual report on the work of the inspection services in agriculture shall be published within a reasonable time, either as a separate report or as part of its general annual report on the system of labour inspection, dealing in particular with the subjects referred to under Article 27, and including statistics on occupational diseases and their causes. It requests the Government to indicate the measures taken to this end.

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