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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2007, publiée 97ème session CIT (2008)

Convention (n° 81) sur l'inspection du travail, 1947 - Arménie (Ratification: 2004)

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Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes the Government’s first report. Noting that the Government mentions in its report a series of legal texts of which it has not sent copies despite the request made by the Office on 4 June 2007, and also other texts which are equally relevant to assessing the level of application of the Convention, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would send copies of the aforementioned texts to the ILO as soon as possible.

The following texts are concerned:

–      The Administrative Infringements Code of 6 December 1985.

–      The Act of 17 May 2000 on the Organization and Conduct of Inspections.

–      The Act of 13 December 2004 on Administrative Conduct and Principles.

–      Government Decision No. 1146-N of 29 August 2004 establishing the State Labour Inspectorate within the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, confirming the statutes of the State Labour Inspectorate and amending previous Government Decision (14 November 2002) No. 1821-N.

–      Government Decision No. 1893-N of 6 October 2005 on the provision of information to the State Labour Inspectorate.

–      Government Decision No. 2301-N of 6 October 2005 adopting the procedure for the submission of quarterly reports by employers to the State Labour Inspectorate.

–      Government Decision No. N876 of 16 June 2006 establishing the form, use and procedure for issuing a copy of a workbook.

–      Government Decision No. N1882-N of 20 October 2005 on the procedure for publication, accounting, conservation and archiving of the employer’s internal and private legal documents.

–      The Public Service Act.


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