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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 2007, publiée 97ème session CIT (2008)

Convention (n° 122) sur la politique de l'emploi, 1964 - Ukraine (Ratification: 1968)

Autre commentaire sur C122

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1. Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. The Committee takes note of the information contained in the Government’s report received in October 2006 indicating the main objectives of the Government’s employment policy which provides, inter alia, for the creation of 1 million jobs per year, primarily in the field of innovative and high-technology production, in rural areas, in the service sector and tourism, as well as in towns which rely on one single economic activity. In 2005, the level of employment of the population aged between 15 to 70 years increased, from 56.7 per cent in the previous year to 57.7 per cent, while the level of unemployment decreased, from 8.6 per cent to 7.2 per cent for the same period. The Committee notes that the Government attributes an improvement in the situation of the labour market to its implementation of measures to promote employment and to positive developments in the economy of Ukraine. It is hoped that the information contained in the next report will enable the Committee to examine the extent to which economic growth translates into improved labour market outcomes and poverty reduction. In this regard, the Committee would be grateful to receive information on the results achieved by the measures implemented as part of an active policy intended to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment (Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention). Please also indicate the manner in which employment objectives are taken into account in the adoption and review of measures under monetary, budgetary and taxation policies, and price, income and wage policies.

2. Employment market measures. The Government reports that, in 2005, 2.98 million persons, who were not occupied in labour activity, made use of the services of the State Employment Service. The number of persons obtaining employment with the assistance of the State Employment Service amounted to 1,049,800 persons which exceeded, by 6.7 percent, the number of persons who were placed in employment in the previous year. In 2005, 193,300 unemployed persons underwent training, on referral of the State Employment Service, which included 8,700 young workers, representing a 4.8 per cent increase from previous years. The Committee asks the Government to provide information on the results achieved by these training programmes and initiatives in promoting the return of unemployed persons to employment.

3. Education and vocational training. The Committee also takes note that the draft Law of Ukraine on Professional Development of Personnel at Work was elaborated and submitted to the Supreme Rada for its consideration. The Committee further notes that the Concept, and its corresponding Implementation Plan, for the development of the system of skills development of the employees for the period until 2010, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. The Committee similarly notes that an Interdepartmental Advisory Committee on Vocational Training of Personnel at Work was established under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The Committee would appreciate receiving information on the impact such measures have had on improving coordination between education and training policies, and prospective employment opportunities.

4. Collection and use of employment data. The Committee also takes note that, during 2005, new jobs were created for more than 1.1 million persons and that, of these new jobs, more than 64 per cent were created in the sphere of business activity and self-employment. The Government reports that the level of forced partial employment is decreasing and that the number of persons who work on a part-time basis decreased by 15.5 per cent from the previous year and that the number of employees on leave as a consequence of a managerial decision decreased by 9.4 per cent. The Committee appreciates the Government’s efforts to provide statistics on the situation and trends on employment, and invites the Government to provide information on the manner in which the data have been used in deciding on, and reviewing, employment policy measures.

5. Special measures taken in respect of miners who were laid off as a result of the closure of mines. In reply to previous comments, the Government reports that, during the period beginning from 1997, 63,500 miners applied to the State Employment Service for assistance in finding jobs. Of these, 22,300 persons were covered at the employment centres by proactive forms of employment, including 14,400 persons who were placed in vacant or newly created jobs, 2,000 who were assigned to vocational training and retraining and 5,900 who participated in public works. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide in its next report information on the measures taken, and the results of such measures, in facilitating the return of former miners to productive employment.

6. Special measures taken in respect of persons affected by the closure of the Chernobyl nuclear plant. As requested in previous comments, the Committee notes the information provided by the Government on the activities offered by the State Employment Service in assisting unemployed inhabitants of the town of Slavutich and former employees of the Chernobyl nuclear plant, including through job placement, vocational training and public works. The Committee would appreciate the Government continuing to provide information in its next report on the outcome of initiatives aimed at assisting persons affected by the closure of the Chernobyl nuclear plant in accessing the labour market.

7. Article 3. Participation of social partners in the formulation and implementation of policies. The Government indicates in its report that, in 2005, it made efforts to improve the legislation in the sphere of employment of the population, to prevent mass unemployment and to strengthen social protection of the registered unemployed persons. The Committee similarly notes that the Ministry of Labour of Social Policy of Ukraine has developed drafts of the laws and regulatory and legal instruments, aimed at the development of entrepreneurship, creation of new jobs and eradication of “shadow” economies and meeting the requirements of the economy for a skilled labour force. The Committee asks the Government to provide further information on the results achieved from the adoption of such legislative instruments. It further requests that the Government indicate how the representatives of the social partners, including those working in the rural sector and the informal economy, are consulted in the formulation and implementation of the employment policy.

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