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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 2012, publiée 102ème session CIT (2013)

Convention (n° 26) sur les méthodes de fixation des salaires minima, 1928 - Myanmar (Ratification: 1954)

Autre commentaire sur C026

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  1. 2019
  2. 2003
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  1. 2022

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Articles 1 and 3 of the Convention. Minimum wage fixing machinery. Following up on its previous comments, the Committee notes the Government’s statement that the country is in a transitional period and that existing labour laws are being amended while new ones are being adopted. The Government also states that in this context the Minimum Wages Act, 1949 is in the process of being reviewed to be brought fully in line with relevant international labour standards. The Committee understands that new draft minimum wage legislation is being prepared and it has been communicated to the Office for preliminary comments. The Committee is particularly encouraged by recent developments, namely the International Labour Conference decision of June 2012 to lift most of the limitations in ILO activities and technical assistance which had been applied since 1999, and the conclusions of the Officers of the Governing Body who visited the country in May 2012 and who observed the rapid transformation of Myanmar’s relationship with the multilateral system. The Committee accordingly expresses the firm hope that in this climate of transition towards a more open and democratic society, the Government will seize the opportunity to introduce all necessary changes for the modernization of the minimum wage legislation and the establishment of a truly comprehensive system of minimum wages based on workers’ needs and periodically reviewed after consultation with employers’ and workers’ representatives. The Committee requests the Government to keep the Office informed of any progress made regarding the approval of the new Minimum Wages Act by the National Parliament (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw) and to transmit the text of the new legislation once it has been adopted.
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