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Dominican Republic
March 2009
2009-03-06, WD - ILO International Women's Day event "Work and family: The way to care is to share!", with, from left ro right: Mr. David Loughman, Managing Director A/S Norske Shell (Norway), Ms. Bibata Niandou Barry, Minister of Women's Promotion and Child Protection (Niger), Ms. Jane Hodges, ILO Director of the Bureau for Gender Equality, Ms. María Angélica Ducci, ILO Executive Director of the Director-General's Office, and Ms. Francisca Jiménez, Vice-chair of the Women's Committee, Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA) (Dominican Republic). ILO historical archives. For more information, please contact :
Dominican Republic 2009.
March 2009
2009-03-06, WD - ILO International Women's Day event "Work and family: The way to care is to share!", with, from left ro right: Ms. María Angélica Ducci, ILO Executive Director of the Director-General's Office, and Ms. Francisca Jiménez, Vice-chair of the Women's Committee, Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA) (Dominican Republic). ILO historical archives. For more information, please contact :
Dominican Republic 2009.
March 2009
2009-03-06, WD - ILO International Women's Day event "Work and family: The way to care is to share!", with, from left ro right: Ms. Francisca Jiménez, Vice-chair of the Women's Committee, Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA) (Dominican Republic), Ms. María Angélica Ducci, Executive Director of the Director-General's Office (ILO), Ms. Bibata Niandou Barry, Minister of Women's Promotion and Child Protection (Niger), and Mr. David Loughman, Managing Director A/S Norske Shell (Norway). ILO historical archives. For more information, please contact :
Dominican Republic 2009.
March 2009
2009-03-06, WD - ILO International Women's Day event "Work and family: The way to care is to share!", with, from left ro right: Ms. Bibata Niandou Barry, Minister of Women's Promotion and Child Protection (Niger), Ms. Jane Hodges, ILO Director of the Bureau for Gender Equality, and Ms. Francisca Jiménez, Vice-chair of the Women's Committee, Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA) (Dominican Republic). ILO historical archives. For more information, please contact :
Dominican Republic 2009.
March 2009
2009-03-06, WD - ILO International Women's Day event "Work and family: The way to care is to share!", with, from left ro right: Ms. Bibata Niandou Barry, Minister of Women's Promotion and Child Protection (Niger), Ms. Jane Hodges, ILO Director of the Bureau for Gender Equality, and Ms. Francisca Jiménez, Vice-chair of the Women's Committee, Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA) (Dominican Republic). ILO historical archives. For more information, please contact :
Dominican Republic 2009.
March 2009
2009-03-06, WD - ILO International Women's Day event "Work and family: The way to care is to share!", with, from left ro right: Ms. Jane Hodges, ILO Director of the Bureau for Gender Equality, and Ms. Francisca Jiménez, Vice-chair of the Women's Committee, Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA) (Dominican Republic). ILO historical archives. For more information, please contact :
Dominican Republic 2009.
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