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Fu Jun 666 [disputed]


Abandonment ID: 01009
Nombre del buque:Fu Jun 666 [disputed]
No. OMI:1049637
Puerto de abandono:Durban, South Africa
Fecha de abandono:1 Mayo 2024
Fecha de notificación:3 Julio 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:12
Circunstancias:Financial Security Provider: Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Limited

Type: Deck Cargo Vessel

Seafarers are owed 3 months wages, and have no provisions, no spare parts for engine room problems.
Acciones tomadas:25 Junio 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the shipowner, manager, agent and Flag State.
Estado de la repatriación:3 Julio 2024: Repatriation pending
Estado del pago:3 Julio 2024: Payment Pending

14 Agosto 2024: Partially paid
Seafarers on board the vessel received their outstanding wages, but the 4 crew that signed off in May remain unpaid.
Comentarios y observaciones:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (14 Agosto 2024)
Seafarers on board the vessel received their outstanding wages, but the 4 crew that signed off in May remain unpaid.

Organisación Marítima Internacional
Flag: Sierra Leone (on IMO GISIS and Equasis: up to 1 May 2024)

Última actualización: Miércoles - 21 Agosto 2024 10:09:45^ top

En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional