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Abandonment ID: 01049
Nombre del buque:Sarah
No. OMI:8120478
Puerto de abandono:Gdynia, Poland
Fecha de abandono:1 Mayo 2024
Fecha de notificación:2 Agosto 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:1
Circunstancias:Financial Security Provider: Maritime Mutual Insurance

Type: Tug

Outstanding wages of 3 months
Acciones tomadas:1 Agosto 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the owners and flag state
Estado de la repatriación:2 Agosto 2024: Repatriated
Estado del pago:2 Agosto 2024: Payment Pending
Comentarios y observaciones:Polonia (19 Agosto 2024)
We kindly inform that the vessel “SARAH” (IMO number 8120478) is moored at the English Quay in the port of Gdynia. The polish PSC Inspector has visited the ship. The mentioned unit is self-powered, i.e. on a generator with sufficient power to power the devices necessary during a stay in the port and has fuel in the amount of approximately 20 m^3 with an average daily consumption of approximately 150 liters/day.

The owner of the unit is UNITED TUGS LTD C/O Prometheus Maritime Ltd 94, Notarta Street 185 35, Piraeus, Greece. The unit is manage PROMETHEUS MARITIME LTD-MAI 94, Notara Street, 185 35, Piraeus, Greece. The vessel is taken care of by the Old Seas sp. z o.o. agency branch in Gdańsk.

There is one crew member on the unit, Georgian citizen, employed as an Oiler from 30/06/2024 by UNITED TUGS LTD address AJELTAKE ROAD,AJELTAKE ISLAND,MAJURO,MARSHAL ISLAND for a period of 1 month plus 1 month at the owner's option.

The crew member confirmed that he is paid salary and receives additional allowances for the purchase of food. The mentioned crew member informed that he plans to sign another contract and stay on the ship until the end of 2024. According to information from the crew member, there is enough drinking water on the unit to allow for the planned stay until the end of 2024. The crew member does not raise any objections to the working conditions. The mentioned crew member was provided with contact information to the polish PSC representative if he needed assistance.

Entered: Miércoles - 21 Agosto 2024 16:22:54
Última actualización: Miércoles - 21 Agosto 2024 18:08:50
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En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional