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Abandonment ID: 00331
Ship name:Aman[disputed]
7-digit IMO no.:9215517
Port of abandonment:Suez Anchorage
Abandonment date:16 November 2017
Notification date:19 December 2017
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:16
Nationalities:Syrian Arab Republic(4); Egypt(9); India(3)
Circumstances:The vessel was detained by port state control in Aladabyah port due to expired safety equipment and class certificates, and has been laid at anchor in Suez ever since 13 June 2017. Unpaid wages, inadequate provisions, inhuman conditions, expired contracts. Owner told crew he has no money to pay them or pay for relievers. Indian crew paid service charges to be employed. Indian agent untraceable, owner not responding. Previous crew have also not been paid. Vessel arrested by 3 creditors.
Actions taken:Flag State informed
Procedures underway to arrest the vessel through Suez court
Repatriation status:Other
11 seafarers on board, 5 signed off without wages, repatriation paid by families
Payment status:Partially paid
More than USD 172,000 outstanding
Comments and Observations:Other (December 2017)
Same owner as Jerna S, Sanad and Avonmoor

ITF (25 February 2021)
From ITF Arab World and Iran Network Coordinator
Unfortunately, we have been trying to raise the issue and addressing it with the port and maritime authorities, and untill now not received any reply., whilst the syrian seafarer Mr Mohammed Aisha is on board since May 2017, the ship has gone gounded, he is totally alone, no provisions, no fuel, no electricity, living alone on the ship, and he is sick.
The ITF is assisting him, but he is in real urgent need for an urgent solution to be allowed to leave home. I wonder if there is any assistance or something can be done to assist him. His case is really serious and his passport is expiring soon, and this will complicate it all more.

International Maritime Organisation (4 March 2021)
The following message with attachments was received from ITF concerning the ‘AMAN’, IMO Number 9215517, flag: Bahrain, which is abandoned in Adabiya Suez Anchorage, Egypt since 17 November 2017. It is the fourth vessel belonging to the same owner of the Jerna S, Avonmoor and Sanad cases which are all reported on the Joint IMO/ILO Database on Abandonment of Seafarers which can be found on the following website:
The owner had not paid any wages to the crew of the AMAN since they were abandoned. The vessel was arrested by the crew to secure the money owned to them and the Indian seafarers had gone home after their families paid for air tickets, likewise the Master and Second Engineer.
After almost 4 years on board Mr Mohammed Aisha from the Syrian Arab Republic is the only person left on board alone, with no light, no food, no water, no electricity, and totally alone. Neither the owner, nor the local agent is supplying any of these.
The seafarer has to swim, to reach the shore and buy his basic needs. He risks his life everytime he does so.
The Seafarer is being assisted by the ITF to survive, and has been taken to the doctor for a medical check, he is found with Anemia and with varicose veins in his legs. Mr. Mohammed Aisha is sick, and deeply psychologically affected after the refusal many times of his request to be repatriated. Mr Mohammed Aisha’s passport will expire on 22 March 2021, and if he is not repatriated before, this would only more complicate the matter.
The seafarer was appointed as Legal Guard of the ship by the local Court, but the ship has not been sold for almost 4 years, and meanwhile he is obliged to stay on board.
In this regard I would like to refer to the attached Assembly resolution A.930 (22) on Guidelines on Provision of Financial Security in Case of Abandonment of Seafarers in which ILO and IMO jointly urged Member Governments, where seafarers have been abandoned within their jurisdiction, to cooperate and assist each other in the speedy resolution of the situation.
The humanitarian situation for Mr Mohammed Aisha has become unacceptable and therefore the assistance of the port State, in good cooperation with the flag State concerned, is sought to find a speedy solution that Mr Mohammed Aisha will now be repatriated as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

ITF (4 March 2021)
From ITF Arab World and Iran Network Coordinator
To the Egyptian port and maritime authorities and Bahreini flag state,

We are seeking the urgent need of intervention to find a solution that would allow the immediate disembarkment and repatriation of the Syrian seafarer. His passport expires on the 22 of March. The ITF would like to emphase the very serious and very urgent humanitarian emergency nature of the situation of abandonment of the Syrian seafarer Mohammad Aisha. His psychological and psysical status is very very worrying, he is sadly probaly becoming a record to be abandonned on board, as he is on board since May 2017.
Again, we seek an urgent and quick solution for his situation as his situation cannot remain same. The ITF is ready to cover the costs of his disembarkment and repatriation on humanitarian grounds.

ITF (5 March 2021)
All crew have disembarked gradually except the C/Off, who has been on board since he joined the vessel in May 2017!. The C/Off has been alone on the vessel since August 2019
His situation is critical and he has a number of medical issues that require urgent attention.
The vessel is grounded and he has to swim ashore to buy his provisions etc..
His passport expires on the 22nd March 2021.

Govt. of Bahrain (7 March 2021)
From Registration of Ships & Seamen Affairs
I would like to highlight few facts as below:
1) Vessel is not abandoned, but under court arrest due to ongoing cases.
2) Seafarer by the name Mohamed Aisha had accepted a court appointment to act as court representative onboard. As such, when the owner repatriated all other crew members he was not allowed to be repatriated by the courts.
3) We had intervened with owner several time and also arranged for the courts to allow his repatriation by appointing another representative, but he decided not to disembark due to outstanding wages.
4) The owners have tried with all resources available to repatriate him but he was not willing to cooperate.

If he is now ready to be repatriated, then the owners are willing to cover such costs of air passage and local charges as a show of our commitment towards him.

Govt. of Bahrain (16 March 2021)
From Registration of Ships & Seamen Affairs
We discussed the matter with the owners which have confirmed that they are willing and ready to repatriate the seafarer as soon as possible. I will put him in direct contact with you (ITF Arab World and Iran Network Coordinator) so you can explain what is required from him to assist with the repatriation of the seafarer.

ITF (16 March 2021)
ITF and ICS request formally that the ILO intervene in the abandonment cases of the Aman.

ITF (22 April 2021)
From ITF Arab World and Iran Network Coordinator
The syrian chief officer abandonned on board of the Bahreini flagged "Aman" has been able to disemabark and has been repatriated later on this afternoon Tursday 22nd of April. In this exact moment his flight should be reaching Damascus, where he flew today from the Airoport of Cairo.
The ITF has just issued a Press Release on the matter, that will be availible today already on its website and media platforms.

ITF (10 February 2022)
The seafarer Mohamed Aisha has been repatriated but remains unpaid. The ITF have offered legal assistance, but we are now awaiting the court process

ITF (7 March 2023)
Still awaiting court decisions

Entered: Monday - 26 July 2021 at 09:29:33
Last updated: Tuesday - 7 March 2023 at 11:42:21
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization