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Al Rahyah[Inactive]


Abandonment ID: 00504
Nombre del buque:Al Rahyah[Inactive]
Puerto de abandono:Port Saleef, Yemen
Fecha de abandono:14 Febrero 2020
Fecha de notificación:2 Diciembre 2020
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (ISWAN)
No. de marinos:8
Nacionalidades:Egipto(1); Bangladesh(1); India(6)
Circunstancias:Landing craft

Unpaid wages.
Acciones tomadas:Other
Seafarers have contacted Indian Embassy in Yemen in March 2020.
Estado de la repatriación:Repatriation pending
All seafarers had been locked in a hotel room in Yemen for past 9 months. As informed, now they are being rescued by Indian Embassy in Yemen.

Estado del pago:Payment Pending
USD 87,700
Comentarios y observaciones:India (3 Marzo 2021)
From Ministry of ports, shipping and waterways
I am directed to refer to your email dated 13.01.2021 informing this office about the abandonment of vessel AL RAHYAH at Port Saleef, Yemen since 14.02.2020 having 08 Seafarers (06 from India,0l from Bangladesh and 01 from Egyptl) on board.
2. lt was also informed that all the Indian Seafarers want to get paid and repatriated as they all had been locked in a hotel room in Yemen from past 09 months. However, they were rescured by Indian Embassy in Yemen but their concern related to unpaid wages stil remains the same.
3. In this connection, it is stated that on examining the e-governance system of this Directorate, the details of the Recruitment & placement of Seafarers (RpS) Agency/company through which these seafarers were recruited on board, could not be found. The possibility of these Indian seafarers being recruited through an Un-registered RPS Agency/Company cannot be ruled out.
4. In view of the above, it is requested that the details of the issue may please be confirmed from the source of the complaint and communicated to this office for further necessary action.

Non-governmental Organization (5 Marzo 2021)
Seafarers have been repatriated but their wages still remains unpaid.

Non-governmental Organization (21 Diciembre 2021)
No development regarding payment of pending wages based on my last communication with seafarer on 10th December 2021.

Non-governmental Organization (Abril 2022)
Based on communication with seafarer on 23rd March 2022, there has been no development regarding payment of pending wages.

Non-governmental Organization (4 Agosto 2022)
Based on communication with one of crew on 28th July 2022, there has been no development regarding payment of pending wages.

Non-governmental Organization (18 Octubre 2022)
Based on communication with seafarer dated 29th September 2022, he has been following up with owner regarding pending wages of crew however there has been no development so far regarding same.

Non-governmental Organization (31 Marzo 2023)
No update on the case

Entered: Jueves - 4 Agosto 2022 12:28:47
Última actualización: Viernes - 31 Marzo 2023 13:12:52
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En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional