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Antarctic Dream [resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00595
Nom du navire:Antarctic Dream [resolved]
Pavillon:St. Kitts & Nevis
No. OMI (7 chiffres):5278432
Port d'abandon:Mina Khalid, UAE
Date d'abandon:29 novembre 2021
Date de notification:30 novembre 2021
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:25
Nationalités:Indonésie(3); Inde(1); Sri Lanka(7); Philippines(13); Roumanie(1)
Circonstances:P&I: unknown


Crew requested ITF assistance for non-payment of wages for 3 months September - November.
Actions entreprises:1 novembre 2021: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé

The Company/Managers, flag state and P&I club have all been contacted.
Situation concernant le rapatriement:4 décembre 2022: Rapatriés
3 crew members have been repatriated.
Paiement des salaires:4 décembre 2022: Réglé
3 crew members have received their outstanding wages.
Commentaires et observations:Autre (17 décembre 2021)
From IGP&I
With regards to the abandonment reported on ANTARCTIC DREAM, IMO Number 5278432, the details below report that the vessel is entered with Shipowners P&I Club. Having consulted with Shipowners Club, I can report that it was entered with the Shipowners in 2013 but the entry was terminated on 5 September 2013. The Shipowners Club will therefore not be in a position to assist in this case of abandonment. I kindly request that the database is updated to reflect that Shipowners are not the insured entity for this vessel.

Gouv. de Roumanie (20 décembre 2021)
Following your notification regarding ANTARCTIC DREAM abandoned ship, IMO no. 5278432, flag Mongolia, reported by ITF for non-payment of wages, we would like to communicate our comments:
- From our information, onboard the vessel ANTARCTIC DREAM is Mr. Stefan Cosmin NICOLA, Romanian citizen, with Seaman's Book no. 35749 CT, embarked as Operation Manager;
- We mention the fact that the Romanian citizen was not recruited and placed onboard the vessel by any Romanian Crewing Agency authorized by us;
- Nevertheless, Mr. NICOLA didn’t notify Romanian ITF and Romanian Naval Authority regarding his situation.

Gouv. de Philippines (21 décembre 2021)
From Philippine Embassy. London
As per information received from the Philippine Consulate in Dubai, the vessel Antarctic Dream is currently docked in Berth No. 4 at Sharjah Port and is not abandoned but is only undergoing maintenance inspection and repair.
There are 8 Filipino seafarers onboard who are awaiting for their replacements before they could return to the Philippines. Their relievers are scheduled to depart Manila on the 24th or 25th of December and once they arrive, the offsigning crew will be repatriated.
Sinbad Navigation guaranteed that the crew are provided with sufficient food and other basic supplies.

Gouv. de Mongolie (22 décembre 2021)
From Deputy Permanent Representative of Mongolia to the IMO
As informed by the Mongolia Maritime Administration, Mongolia Ship Registry issued the certificate of registry for the Vessel Antarctic Dream (IMO 5278432) on 12 Oct 2020, and the validity of the registration is one year, thus the certificate of registry was expired on 07 Oct 2021. Please find attached a copy of the Certificate of Registry of the Antarctic Dream and the registration validity of the subjected vessel can be checked by scanning the QR code on the certificate. The administration also informed me that following the expiration of the registry on 07 Oct 2021, this case cannot be solved within Mongolian Jurisdiction as the vessel is no longer flying the Mongolian flag.

Organisation maritime internationale (22 décembre 2021)
I also have contacted IHS Markit who is responsible for the information on IMO GISIS and EQUASIS concerning Ship and Company Particulars. I was informed that the vessel was recently registered under the flag of St Kitts and Nevis in November of this year (see 1st attached), with the same Registered Owner given as in the Mongolian COR, ‘Antarctic Dream Shipping Pte Ltd.’ 2nd attached is a P&I certificate, though valid under the Mongolian flag up to May 2022. Otherwise, information IHS Markit has received on the vessel is quite sparse, since they received the Mongolian COR dated 12 October 2020 (they also received a ‘Singclass’ Class certificate dated the same) and its recent change of flag to St Kitts and Nevis listed on 30 November 2021. The St Kitts and Nevis COR refers that the previous nationality is Mongolia.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (22 décembre 2021)
The abandonment report was filed at the time when the seafarers who complained to us were on board and had outstanding wages of 3 months (Sept to Nov). The current situation is:
- September salaries have now been paid and the crew have confirmed this
- The crew who made the complaint to us have been repatriated, but still have outstanding wages for October, November and part of December. We continue to chase the owners for these wages despite their promises to pay
- The 8 crew on board that you refer to, have not contacted the ITF for assistance.
At this stage we will ask the ILO to set the status of the abandonment case to DISPUTED

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (23 décembre 2021)
According to reports from the crew, the most recent payment to them was for the September wages. We are also aware that 11 crew were sent home without the balance of their wages owed. October, November and the balance of December remain outstanding for repatriated crew.
As per MLC Standard A2.5.2, this means that the crew are abandoned as there are more than two months’ wages outstanding. Please pay outstanding wages to current and former crew and provide evidence of such payments for all crew, including those in the supplied repatriation list and those transferred to the vessel to await repatriation.
We are also concerned that there appears to be no flag in place having been notified by Mongolia that the registration expired on 7 October 2021. Please advise which flag the vessel is currently flying.
Finally, it does not appear that the vessel carries a valid financial security certificate required under MLC Standard A2.5.2. Please advise whether the vessel has adequate financial security in place.

Autre (23 décembre 2021)
From Sinbad navigation
We would like to confirm that the crew mentioned in your previous email were not abandoned in any way. The ship is actually in Port Khalid Sharjah right now doing some repairs and inspections.
We're also confused on why the complaint states that the ship/crew were abandoned since November 29. Please see below timeline of events:
November 29 - ship was under way to Gulf of Oman to meet with our other ship
November 30 - arrived in GOO; departed within the day going to Khalid Port
December 2 - ship arrived in the Port Khalid anchorage; awaiting entry
December 3 - berthed alongside Port Khalid
December 6 - delivery of provisions (please see attached delivery note)
December 7 - 1st batch of crew (6) offsigners repatriated (see attached offsigners monitoring)
December 8 to 10 - vessel at anchorage for hull cleaning
December 11 - berthed alongside Port Khalid
December 14 - 2nd batch of crew (7) offsigners repatriated December 16 - 3rd batch (1) crew signed off
December 20 - IRS Class 1st attendance and UWILD survey
December 22 - IRS Class 2nd attendance
December 23 - arrival of 8 onsigners (they can't sign on immediately as they need to wait first for their PCR test results before embarking the vessel)
December 24 - arrival of 4 onsigners
Upon arrival of relievers, the remaining offsigning crew will be repatriated via the available flights presumably by the last week of December as this will depend on the available seats.
Food onboard is also provided and we have just delivered provisions last December 6 which is good for 1 month. Another set of provisions will be delivered before the ship sails out or before the stocks run out.
Salaries were also processed.
Please note that 11 of the crew mentioned in the previous email were not Antarctic Dream crew. They were assigned to our other ships and were scheduled to sign off, and since Antarctic Dream is calling port Khalid, we sent them onboard AD so they can be repatriated.
Thus, we are quite confused as to why there is such a complaint. If you need us to be more transparent, please let us know who reported so we can also send you his/their proof of payment and confirmed flight itinerary as supporting evidence to prove the allegations are false.
Lastly, we would like to assure you that our company will not in any way abandon the crew or the ship. Antarctic Dream is one of our most valued assets and we always make sure to provide what the ship and the crew onboard need.

Autre (24 décembre 2021)
From Sinbad navigation
The vessel is currently registered with St. Kitts and Nevis. The vessel also carries a valid financial security certificate required under MLC Standard A2.5.2. Both COR and financial security certificates are attached herewith for your reference.
Meanwhile, I will request from our accounts team the Swift copy of the payment to the current crew of Antarctic Dream along with those who have already signed off and send it to you.

Gouv. de Philippines (29 décembre 2021)
From Philippine Embassy. London
Our Philippine Consulate in Dubai shared the following the information given to the Philippine Overseas Workers' Welfare Administration (OWWA) in Dubai by Sinbad Navigation's HR and Administrative Officer
• The wages of the crew members for the month of October have been transferred to their nominated bank accounts, while the salaries for November will be released “tentatively” before the end of the year.
• The crew relievers have arrived in Dubai, and are awaiting clearance to enter the port and board the vessel. As earlier reported, the offsigning crew will be repatriated via the earliest available Bayanihan flight as soon as the new team arrives and boards the vessel.
• Sinbad Navigation reiterated that fresh provisions of food and basic supplies have been delivered to the crew.

The Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers' Affairs (OUMWA) of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs, has also written the Philippine Secretary of Labor so that the licensed local manning agency of the Filipino seafarers onboard the Antarctic Dream will ensure that their wages be paid and that that they repatriated as soon as possible.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (4 décembre 2022)
3 crew members have received their outstanding wages and have been repatriated.

Saisie: mercredi - 2 octobre 2024 a 10:46:17
Dernière mise à jour: vendredi - 4 octobre 2024 a 11:38:18
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale