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Dox - fishing vessel[disputed]


Abandonment ID: 00751
Ship name:Dox - fishing vessel[disputed]
Flag:Sao Tome & Principe
Port of abandonment:Djibouti, Djibouti
Abandonment date:29 March 2023
Notification date:9 April 2023
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:12
Nationalities:Indonesia(6); Yemen(1); Somalia(2); India(3)
Circumstances:P&I : Hafez Insurance but the certificate is likely to be false

Type : Fishing vessel but the Alannah Palm is a crew/supply vessel

6 months of unpaid wages + repatriation as for the Indonesian crew
10 months of wages for the Indian crew.
Other crew have not reported.
Actions taken:30 March 2023: Flag State informed
Trying to solve out the double identity issue with the Flag and the issue of the expired certificate of registry

Repatriation status:9 April 2023: Repatriation pending
Two crew left and Four remained on board now requesting repatriation

26 April 2023: Repatriation pending
All the 6 Indonesian crew left the vessel without being paid
The Indian crew are still on the vessel with the others
Payment status:9 April 2023: Payment Pending

26 April 2023: Payment Pending
US$41,550 for the Indonesians
Comments and Observations:ITF (9 April 2023)
The crew were told that they will be given their tickets if they to withdraw their report to the ITF
Six Indonesians requested assistance, No crew list available and the total number of crew not known

ITF (26 April 2023)
The Indonesian crew are all back home but still not paid.
The Harbour Master and the Director for Maritime Affairs in Djibouti have been repeatedly requested to assist and to have PSC visit the vessel but they bever responded.
The ship is most probably stateless at the moment and probably without a valid P&I

ITF (5 September 2023)
Some crew were paid a part payment and repatriated, while some remained on board. No further contact with crew

Last updated: Wednesday - 6 September 2023 at 09:17:29^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization