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Al Filk [disputed]


Abandonment ID: 00927
Ship name:Al Filk [disputed]
7-digit IMO no.:9199775
Port of abandonment:Monfalcone, Italy
Abandonment date:8 February 2024
Notification date:4 April 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:12
Nationalities:Lebanon(1); Egypt(6); Libyan Arab Jamahirya(1); India(4)
Circumstances:P&I : Pyramid Marine

Type : Container Ship

Crew are owed 3 months wages. Most of the wages are below ILO minimum and the vessel has multiple PSC deficiencies, which have not yet be resolved. Agent has given up their mandate on the vessel
Actions taken:20 March 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the owners, flag state, DPA, port state and P&I
Repatriation status:4 April 2024: Other
Repatriation not requested
Payment status:4 April 2024: Payment Pending

21 June 2024: Partially paid
Some crew have received their outstanding wages and been repatriated, whilst others have been repatriated without receiving their owed wages
Comments and Observations:ITF (4 April 2024)
The crew have no bank accounts are usually paid in cash when the ship is out of the EU within which there are cash payment restrictions.

Other (9 April 2024)
From S&P Global

I have just received confirmation from Tanzania that vessel is still registered under their flag. Please see attached
We don’t have this owner on our database so I have gone back to them for clarification.
They mention the owner & manager as Overseas Maritime Ltd with a Turkish address. Have asked for confirmation as not convinced the owner is registered in Turkey whereas the manager could be.
Have updated our record to show vessel under Tanzania flag.

ITF (21 June 2024)
Some crew have received their outstanding wages and been repatriated, whilst others have been repatriated without receiving their owed wages

Entered: Monday - 24 June 2024 at 17:49:25
Last updated: Monday - 24 June 2024 at 17:52:45
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization