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Mala Kado


Abandonment ID: 01020
Nom du navire:Mala Kado
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9141912
Port d'abandon:Suez South Anchorage, Egypt
Date d'abandon:1 juillet 2024
Date de notification:8 juillet 2024
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:15
Nationalités:Azerbaïdjan(4); Géorgie(4); Türkiye(7)
Circonstances:Financial Security Provider: Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ)

Type: General Cargo

Crewmembers are owed 2 months wages.

Some crew have expired contracts, one crewmember is 5 months over his contract expiry date

Actions entreprises:3 juillet 2024: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Contacted the company, flag state and P&I club
Situation concernant le rapatriement:8 juillet 2024: En attente de rapatriement
Paiement des salaires:8 juillet 2024: En attente de paiement
Commentaires et observations:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (8 juillet 2024)
Crew do not wish to remain on the vessel once they receive their wages because of the company refusal to pay on time.

Autre (27 septembre 2024)
(by Mr. Eirini Sampani, Legal Officer, Guinea-Bissau International Ships Registry)
IMO was informed that concerning the indicated health situation of one crew member remaining on board, an immediate approach towards the owning company was undertaken for appropriate action towards providing of medical assistance and transfer to the hospital, as deemed necessary and appropriate, by means of facilitating the prompt disembarkation of seafarers in need of immediate medical care, and access to medical facilities ashore.

In addition to the final settlement of wages due and the repatriation of further requesting seafarers still on board the vessel, an immediate action plan was requested along with a definite timeline for the replenishment of fuel on board the vessel.

Gouv. de Guinée-Bissau (27 septembre 2024)
The Guinea-Bissau International Ships Registry (G-B I.S.R.) following up on the concrete case, as per the subject line, provides the below information on the M/V MALA KADO (IMO 9141812) as the competent Flag State Administration in reply to your e-msg in reference and as a follow up to our e-message in reference dated 24/7/24:

1. Further to your e-message concerning the indicated health situation of one crew member remaining on board, an immediate approach towards the owning company was undertaken for appropriate action towards providing of medical assistance and transfer to the hospital, as deemed necessary and appropriate, by means of facilitating the prompt disembarkation of seafarers in need of immediate medical care, and access to medical facilities ashore.

2. In addition to the final settlement of wages due and the repatriation of further requesting seafarers still on board the vessel an immediate action plan was requested along with a definite timeline for the replenishment of fuel on board the vessel.

Following the above, the International Ships Registry of Guinea-Bissau reassures its commitment to taking all the necessary initiatives as competent Flag State Administration under MLC 2006, as amended, requirements and for the prompt resolution of the situation in regards to the proper and viable conditions for the seafarers on board the vessel, the payment of their outstanding wages in full and their repatriation.

Gouv. de Géorgie (1 octobre 2024)
Embassy of Georgia to the Arab Republic of Egypt

As informed regarding the Georgian citizens - seafarers problems (The ship sails with the flag of Bissau - Guinea-Bissau IMO 9141912) we have still two sailors on the ship. They have very bad health condition they are not able to eat and drink (loss weight 20 KG) and they have mental problems as well, at the same time Georgian citizens request to sign off from the ship and travel to home urgently. Our seafarers needs emergency medical assistance on board as well.

Could you please take into consideration the above-mentioned situation regarding the possibility of arranging repatriation and give your assistance to him urgently.

Autre (1 octobre 2024)
We have NOT abandoned our vessel. We are trying to appoint protective agent as the formal agent is ignoring our instruction for sign off the crew.

Autre (2 octobre 2024)
By Pusula Shipping

Although we have been trying to sign off crew from the vessel for more than one week, the authorities in Egypt refused to do it. They said there is detention on the vessel (commercial issue) and sign off is prohibited. We pointed out that this was a humanity issue not related with vessel commercial detention but they insisted on their decisions. We decided to have legal support via one Egyptian lawyer. He said the authorities in his country are strict for such operations. However, he suggested us to request some other type of involvement like crew's consulates (we called them and asked the same) and like your institutions, etc.

Can you please get in contact with Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and send a strong message for those crew? (The Lawyer said this)

Pleased to have your assistance on this issue.


I must send below correction:

8 seafarers from Azerbaijan (4), Georgia (2), and Türkiye (2). Vessel is not abandoned.

Azerbaijan (4), Georgia (2) want to sign off but the authorities not allowed due to vessel detention only. There is no any other reason They are not slaves/prisoners.

Please assist them.

Saisie: vendredi - 26 juillet 2024 a 14:44:03
Dernière mise à jour: vendredi - 4 octobre 2024 a 10:05:10
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale