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Abandonment ID: 01035
Nom du navire:Lavant
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9110444
Port d'abandon:N/A
Date d'abandon:1 juillet 2024
Date de notification:25 juillet 2024
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:19
Nationalités:Bangladesh(1); Indonésie(1); Inde(13); Myanmar(4)
Circonstances:Financial Security Provider: Pyramid Marine Overseas

Type: Products Tanker

Vessel sank due to marine casualty on/about 21st June, 2024. At the time of the sinking crew had not yet been paid for May 2024. Crew remains unpaid for June 2024.

Actions entreprises:2 juillet 2024: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Contacted the owners, flag state and P&I club. No response of any kind has been received from the flag state
Situation concernant le rapatriement:25 juillet 2024: Rapatriés
Crew landed in the port of Iskenderun, Turkiye by rescue vessel. Assistance provided to arrange internal travel and meals prior to their repatriation, which was arranged by the company with assistance from the 4 embassies of the crew members.
Paiement des salaires:25 juillet 2024: En attente de paiement
Commentaires et observations:Gouv. de Comores (30 juillet 2024)
Please find attached a notice from the Director General of the National Agency for Maritime Affairs (ANAM) informing all stakeholders in maritime safety and the fight against marine pollution that the vessel MV LAVANT (IMO: 9110444) has not been flying the Comorian flag since December 2023.

Indeed, on Sunday, June 23, 2024, we were informed via several maritime information communication platforms that the oil tanker MV LAVANT was taking on water and that it was flying the Comorian flag.

• Vessel en route from Dubai to Bossaso
• Position: 14° 30.0240N
053° 06.3713E
• Route: 268.5

We remain at your disposal for any additional information.

Organisation maritime internationale (30 juillet 2024)

Up to 1/12/2023: Comoros

Autre (30 juillet 2024)
From: S&P Global Market Intelligence

On 24th June we received a message from Comoros Maritime Authorities that the vessel has not been flying the Comoros flag since December 2023.
This was first info we received regarding this vessel.
We have attached copy of message we received.

Gouv. de Myanmar (21 août 2024)
Thanks for your recent communication regarding this vessel. I am the Deputy Director of the Department of Marine Administration, Myanmar.

We have received a vessel abandonment report concerning the Products Tanker vessel Lavant (IMO No.9110444) under flag of Comoros. According to the report, the vessel was abandoned by the ship owner on 1st July 2024. There are four seafarers onboard from Myanmar, who have not been paid for more than three months. But it was verified that the vessel was not officially registered for sending Myanmar seafarers in my department.

To proceed with the necessary actions and provide assistance to the affected seafarers, we require detailed information about the Myanmar crew members, including their names, passport numbers, and Seafarer Identification and Record Book (SIRB) numbers. Unfortunately, the information we currently have is incomplete.

We kindly request your assistance in providing the required information from the IMO records. Your prompt response will greatly aid us in addressing this urgent matter and ensuring the welfare of the stranded seafarers.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Saisie: vendredi - 9 août 2024 a 17:17:54
Dernière mise à jour: mercredi - 21 août 2024 a 18:27:31
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale