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Abandonment ID: 00676
Ship name:Aeon[disputed]
7-digit IMO no.:9576818
Port of abandonment:Mumbai, India
Abandonment date:4 July 2022
Notification date:8 July 2022
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:21
Circumstances:P&I : The American Club

Vessel arrested by bunker supplier & mortgagees/Crew unpaid (abandoned) by owners. Crew not paid for three months from and including 01 April 2022.
Actions taken:6 July 2022: Flag State informed
Email to owners, copied to P&I Club, Flag State, DOC Company & Charterers.

Payment status:Payment Pending
The total wages outstanding is US$187,126 as at 30th June 2022.
Comments and Observations:Other (19 July 2022)
International Group of P&I had been touched with the American Club.
The Club has reported that prevailing weather and monsoons have made it difficult for their local correspondents to get on board to assess the situation. The situation at present, as they understand is that the crew have sufficient supplies and fuel and the Club are currently exploring ways to bring the vessel alongside from the outer anchorage.

ITF (30 November 2022)
Vessel has been sold by way of judicial sale and crew have been repatriated. Wages remain unpaid.

Govt. of Panama (20 March 2024)
In response to the labor complaint filed against the vessel "AEON", with IMO No. 9576818, we provide you with the latest communications

Jul. 26, 2023. Email addressed to ITF Inspector, enquiring about an update of the claim of the crewmembers?

Jul. 27, 2023. ITF Inspector responded:
"As you should know, when the vessel was sold, the money was paid into the Indian Court, who at the time deemed that the crew could each be paid one months wages. As far as I am aware, we are still waiting for the courts there to release the balance of the outstanding crew wages. "

Jul. 30, 2023. Lawyers responded:
"Decree in AEON was passed by Bombay High Court. There is a process called as determination of priorities for pay outs. For this procedure we, on behalf of the crew, have filed an
application. We except it to be listed in August. Once the
priorities are determined the Court will order a payout.
Would keep all posted on the developments."

Sep 29, 2023. Email addressed to ITF Inspector & Lawyers , enquiring about an update whether the Court has determined the distribution?

Oct 16, 2023. Lawyers responded:
"Sorry your emails went in spam. I have asked my tech team to look into it.
a) Regularly share updates with Capt. Of the vessel.
b) MT AEON matter is listed for determination of priorities of payouts of monies on 25 October 2023.
c) After the order of the Court for disbursement, High Court
will take a few weeks for calculations/verification etc and
then monies will be released."

Nov. 01, 2023. Email addressed to ITF Inspector & Lawyers , enquiring about: " ... Following your previous communicatio11s, could you please indicated us if the Court were able to establish the priorities of payouts? ... "

Nov. 22, 2023. Email addressed to Lawyer, kindly reminder.

Nov. 23, 2023. Lawyers indicated: " ... priorities haven't been determined as yet. Its pending hearing anti decision of the Court . ... "

Govt. of Panama (16 September 2024)
In response to the labour complaint filed against the vessel “AEON”, with IMO 9576818, you will find the latest communications:

Through email dated July 08, 2024, PMA send a follow up communication to Lawyer, in order to obtain an update of this case in Court.

Entered: Thursday - 1 December 2022 at 10:00:04
Last updated: Friday - 20 September 2024 at 17:01:31
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization