334th Session of the ILO Governing Body

Update on the United Nations reform

The purpose of this document is to present the main elements of United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/72/279 on “Repositioning of the United Nations development system in the context of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system”, which was adopted on 31 May 2018, and their potential implications for the ILO. Based on its March 2018 discussion (GB.332/HL/1) and the 107th International Labour Conference General Discussion on Effective Development Cooperation (ILC107-PR7B(Rev.)) and resolution concerning effective ILO development cooperation in support of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Governing Body is therefore requested to review and debate the resolution with a view to providing guidance to the Director-General on its application (see draft decision in paragraph 35).

Conference paper | Institutional Section | 05 October 2018