Measuring Employment in the Tourism Industries - Guide with Best Practices

The Guide is one of the technical outputs produced under the joint ILO/UNWTO Agreement which completes a series of international references and methodological tools produced within the framework of the joint ILO/UNWTO Agreement.

The Guide consists of an introduction, five chapters and two annexes.

Chapter 1 gives an overview of tourism statistics on work and employment as a key variable of tourism statistics. Also, a particular nature of Tourism characteristic activities (TCA) or industries is discussed and the need to measure employment in the tourism industries is explained.

Chapter 2 looks at different aspects of measuring employment in tourism. It begins with a brief genesis of tourism economy and a view on major challenges that tourism statisticians must consider when measuring employment in the tourism industries. Finally, the two useful conceptual measures of tourism employment and employment in the tourism industries are described and detailed.

Chapter 3 shows three major international tourism industries measurement frameworks, as well as main groups of employment data sources. It also contains results of the findings from the joint ILO/UNWTO publication Sources and Methods in Labour Statistics – Employment in the Tourism Industries (Special Edition) and advocates the promotion of sustained statistical capacity as a premise of production of reliable, timely and consistent statistics.

Chapter 4 discusses cross-country comparability of employment statistics. It highlights the benefits of having internationally comparable employment statistics and examines some of the reasons for data discrepancies, and opportunities and pitfalls in international comparisons.

Chapter 5 provides some examples of best practices of measuring employment in the tourism industries from countries that have demonstrated capacity to develop a comprehensive set of employment indicators in addition to the estimates compiled for the TSA table that add value and provide a clear link between the numerous industry groupings to each other, and the resultant contribution of tourism to the economies of the respective countries.