Sharing research findings on the potential of cooperatives in promoting universal health coverage

On June 20, 2019 the ILO co-organized a meeting on the “Cooperatives for Health” initiative at the Biotech Campus in Geneva.

News | 28 June 2019
The meeting brought together 17 participants, including representatives from partner organizations, namely the International Health Cooperative Organization (IHCO), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Association de Soutien aux Centres de Recherches, d’Enseignements et de Soins (ASCRES), the ILO, NorWest Co-op Community Health (Canada), Réseau Éducation Solidarité (France), Contrecoeur (Canada) and Confcooperative Sanità (Italy).

The main purpose of the meeting was to present the findings of the exploratory study regarding the establishment of a global platform on the role of cooperatives in the health sector and the country case studies on Kenya and Cameroon regarding the feasibility of advancing universal health coverage through cooperatives.

The exploratory study on the global platform consisted of a mapping exercise of existing resources; a needs assessment of potential users; and the development of a concept note that proposes requirements and characteristics of the global platform, a management structure and an estimated budget.

The two country case studies on Kenya and Cameroon were built on literature review, field visits, interviews and focus group discussions with key informants including cooperative and mutual benefit organizations, local support organizations, and government representatives.

Both studies will be finalized based on comments and recommendations from the meeting. The final reports will inform the design of a technical cooperation project combining the two components.