Employment and Decent Work in Fragile Settings: A Compass to Orient the World of Work

The report, which constitutes the final deliverable of a collaborative research project between the ILO and the Graduate Institute's Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP), offers analytical orientation to make sense of fragility from the perspective of employment and decent work activities.

The report constitutes the final deliverable of a collaborative research project between the ILO and CCDP on employment and decent work activities in fragile settings.

The report offers analytical orientation to make sense of fragility from the perspective of employment and decent work activities. Destined for practitioners across the world of work, it proposes a brainstorming instrument with which to swiftly zoom out from specific programming technicalities in order to capture the wider picture.

The “fragility compass” is meant to complement a variety of existing, data-driven indexes and models by:

(1) looking into the merit of the concept of fragility and its applicability with regard to interventions targeting employment and decent work;

(2) exploring and elaborating on the factors and triggers that drive fragility in specific programming contexts, as well as on the possible range of employment and decent work interventions and collaborative responses these might require; and

(3) providing analytical orientation as a quick, pragmatic brainstorming aid in the areas of employment and decent work in fragile settings.