Other events

February 2007

  1. ILO International Seminar on the Use of National Labour Force Surveys for Collecting Additional Labour-related Statistics

    This seminar was organized by the Statistical Development and Analysis Group of the Policy Integration Department in collaboration with the ILO Bureau of Statistics. Its main objectives were (a) to review the ILO experience in expanding the use of labour force surveys and collect information not only of employment/unemployment but also of other aspects of the labour market (formal/informal employment, social security, etc.) and (b) to draw on the experience in other countries with multiple-task labour force surveys.

  2. Workshop on Developing a model-of-change for the informal economy

    This workshop brought together Headquarters and field staff with many years of experience on issues of decent work and the informal economy. The purpose was to provide an opportunity for ILO staff to analyse the challenges associated with the informal economy and how the ILO could address them through developing models-of-change using the theory-of-change methodology. Four models were developed, one overview models and three sub-models. The models took the form of outcome trees which demonstrate the linkage between various aspect and various levels of operation.

  3. Workshop on Good Practice: Decent Work and the informal economy

    This seminar brought together ILO staff from both Headquarters and the field who are working with informal economy issues. The purpose of the seminar was to establish criteria for good practice in relation to decent work and the informal economy and to exchange views and gain capacity on how to show impact of the ILO projects in this area.

  4. ILO Reflection No. 1 on Regional Integration

    These are minutes from the first of a series of discussions held at the ILO in Geneva where staff from across the organization came together to discuss research questions and share knowledge relating to regional integration.

  5. ILO Reflection No. 2 on Regional Integration

    This was the second in a series of ILO discussions on regional integration that dealt specifically with ILO initiatives in Africa, the Americas and Asia.

  6. ILO Reflection No. 3 on Regional Integration

    This third installment of ILO discussions on regional integration was entitled: The social dimension of regional integration: more than a minimum floor?

  7. Understanding globalization, employment and poverty reduction

    Research workshop held under the auspices of a DFID-funded project

April 2006

  1. Fifth Policy Coherence Initiative Meeting

    Fifth-Multi Agency meeting held on April 20, 2006 at the World Bank, Washington to discuss labour market diagnostics in low income countries (LICs)

August 2005

  1. 4th Informal Policy Coherence Initiative Meeting "Growth, Investment and Jobs" A Synopsis

    Follow up meeting on WCSDG's recommendation for greater coordination amongst international organizations regarding mandates and policies.

November 2004

  1. Informal technical Consultations on Policy Coherence

    Consultations held in Geneva from 2-3 November 2004 to discuss recommendations of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization in order to launch a series of policy coherence initiatives on the subject of growth, investment and employment.

February 2004

  1. Enhancing the Employment Impact of Globalization

    Inclusion of a dynamic social protection system and redistributive measures as an integral part of a set of policies to enhance the employment impact of globalization. The specific elements of such a system to be worked in a national context as part of a coherent set of policies.