Other publications

  1. Map: Green Jobs Country Programmes (2010)

    03 December 2010

  2. Green Jobs Country Brief: Lebanon

    01 December 2010

  3. Green Jobs Country Brief: East Africa

    01 December 2010

  4. Green Jobs Country Brief: Brazil

    01 December 2010

  5. The National Strategic Development Framework 2009-2013

    30 June 2010

    The National Strategic Development Plan Update (NSDP Update), 2009-2013 has been prepared to accomplish two primary goals; first, to synchronise the time period covered by the NSDP Update with the term of the Fourth Legislature of the Royal Government in order to ensure that the actions, programmes, and projects of all ministries and agencies are aligned to implement prioritised policies that are outlined in the Rectangular Strategy Phase II; second, to ensure that the actions to be laid out by line Ministries and Agencies to implement these prioritised policies are formulated taking into account the potential impact of the global economic downturn on the economy.

  6. The impact of climate change on employment: transition management through social dialogue

    07 May 2010

    The magnitude of climate change and of the ensuing changes in production systems requires us to seek solutions to meet these challenges and to guide us in making the necessary production transitions, while simultaneously guaranteeing social cohesion, participation in decision-making and best use of potential benefits in terms of job creation. In this sense, the Green Jobs Programme of the ILO, in collaboration with the Sustainlabour Foundation, the International Foundation for Sustainable Development, has conducted this case study on the Social Dialogue Tables Initiative conducted in Spain as a mechanism for trade unions and employers' organizations, together with industry, environment and labour institutions to assess the effects on the competitiveness, employment and social cohesion of the Kyoto Protocol in Spain. This is a draft report. The final report will be ready in the coming months.

  7. Monitoring and Assessing Progress on Decent Work in Zambia - Report of the Special Session of the Advisory Committee for the Z-DWCP

    14 April 2010

  8. Guide to the new Millennium Development Goals Employment indicators : including the full decent work indicator set

    10 July 2009

  9. The Green Jobs Programme of the ILO (Issue brief)

    09 June 2009

    This brochure summarizes the why, what and how of the ILO’s global programme on green jobs. Why the transformation to a sustainable, low carbon economy is crucial for environmental and social reasons. What this transformation means for enterprises and labour markets. What the ILO means by green jobs. How green jobs and the greening of enterprises contribute to meeting pressing social and environmental challenges and how the ILO is setting up and implementing its global programme through partnerships. The brochure also includes contacts and links to key resources for further information.

  10. Global Social Policy Digest 3 (May to August 2009)

    01 May 2009