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Priority work areas for the SKILLS Branch:

Skills policies and systems is primarily concerned with the development, implementation and monitoring of evidence-based policies that shape lifelong learning and skills systems (e.g. schools, TVET and skills development) and the subsystems that comprise them (e.g. qualification frameworks, quality assurance systems, competency based training and assessment, work-based learning and apprenticeships etc.).  The Branch's work in this area also focuses on the interaction between skills, comprehensive employment policies and national development plans.

Skills strategies for future labour markets aims to help ILO constituents to develop forward looking strategies to more readily adapt skills training to labour market demand in response to industrial, sectoral, trade, technology and environmental developments.  The Branch's work in this area also provides assistance in building systems and institutions to anticipate skills needs and minimise skills mismatch.  Moreover, the Branch develops, adapts and applies knowledge and tools on skills anticipation and improved labour market outcomes of learning.

Skills for social inclusion will enhance knowledge, provide policy advice and support capacity building on what works in skills development to increase the employability of disadvantaged groups and ease transitions into decent employment.