ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

267th Session November 1996

Active partnership and technical cooperation, 1995-96

Appendix I

Expenditure on ILO technical cooperation programmes 1993-95
(excluding administrative expenditure)
(in $'000)

A. By source of funding

Source of funds 1993 1994 1995 1995/94
% change
$ % share $ % share $ % share
Regular budget (RBTC) 18 372 12.4 9 294 8.2 12 426 11.0 33.7
UNDP 1 58 661 39.5 38 522 33.9 31 211 27.6 19.0
Trust funds 2 and Multi-bi 3 63 319 42.6 58 548 51.5 61 028 54.0 4.2
UNFPA 4 8 318 5.6 7 267 6.4 8 266 7.3 13.7
Total 148 670 100.0 113 631 100.0 112 930 100.0 0.6
1 Including projects in which the ILO acts as an associated agency. ($7,730,233 for 1993, $5,407,510 for 1994 and $6,243,289 for 1995). Including TSS-1 projects: ($2,636,206 for 1993, $2,855,601 for 1994 and $2,422,946 for 1995). Excluding TSS-2 projects: ($615,562 for 1993, $1,046,802 for 1994 and $1,342,155 for 1995). 2 Including: (a) funds deposited by beneficiary governments; (b) reimbursable expenditure under programmes such as UNEP, UNICEF, UNHCR, etc.; (c) development banks. 3 Multi-bilateral programmes, including associate expert programmes. 4 United Nations Fund for Population Activities.

B. By geographical region

Source of funds 1993 1994 1995 1995/94
% change
$ % share $ % share $ % share
Africa 60 120 40.4 46 594 41.0 42 498 37.6 8.8
Asia and the Pacific 1 41 360 27.8 28 723 25.3 28 288 25.0 1.5
Latin America and the Caribbean 21 964 14.8 14 287 12.6 12 584 11.1 11.9
Arab States, Middle East 2 252 1.5 1 409 1.2 2 696 2.4 91.2
Europe 2 6 111 4.1 6 232 5.5 8 814 7.8 41.4
Interregional and global 16 864 11.3 16 385 14.4 18 051 16.0 10.2
Total 148 670 100.0 113 631 100.0 112 930 100.0 0.6
1 Including Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran. 2 Including Israel (in 1994).

C. By delivery rate within field of activity (extra-budgetary funding only)

Field of activity 1994 1995 1995/94
Alloc. Expend. %
Alloc. Expend. %
Delivery rate
% +/-
International labour standards 597 440 73.8 766 649 84.7 14.9
Employment 8 536 5 049 59.2 8 478 5 010 59.1 0.1
Enterprise and cooperative development 37 515 25 446 67.8 32 230 22 029 68.4 0.8
Training 23 873 14 060 58.9 19 230 11 279 58.7 0.4
Industrial relations and labour administration 6 476 4 103 63.4 6 947 3 864 55.6 -12.2
Working conditions and environment 14 441 8 189 56.7 19 599 11 420 58.3 2.8
Sectoral activities 6 638 4 879 73.5 5 669 3 344 59.0 19.8
Social security 2 952 1 571 53.2 3 770 1 560 41.4 22.3
Bureau of statistics 285 162 56.9 639 319 50.0 12.2
Support to development policies 39 432 25 121 63.7 35 581 24 611 69.2 8.6
Institute 379 267 70.3 95 96 100.8 43.4
Employers' activities 3 004 1 022 34.0 3 002 640 21.3 37.4
Workers' activities 6 195 3 620 58.4 6 388 3 291 51.5 11.8
Miscellaneous 1 15 681 10 407 66.4 16 399 12 393 75.6 13.9
Total 166 005 104 337 62.9 158 794 100 504 63.3 0.7
1 See footnote to Appendix III.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.