ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

267th Session November 1996

Active partnership and technical cooperation, 1965-96

Appendix II

Analysis of ILO technical cooperation expenditure
by type of assistance/input 1994-95

(excluding administrative expenditure)
(in $'000)

Type of assistance/input 1994 1995 1995/94
$ % share $ % share % change
Experts 43 865 38.6 38 044 33.7 -13.3
Other personnel 1 28 803 25.3 29 388 26.0 2.0
Training 2 19 706 17.3 21 450 19.0 8.8
Equipment 8 047 7.1 7 749 6.9 -3.7
Subcontracting 5 567 4.9 9 908 8.8 78.0
Miscellaneous 7 643 6.7 6 391 5.7 -16.4
Total 113 631 100.0 112 930 100.0 -0.6
1 National experts, external collaborators, locally recruited project staff, United Nations Volunteers and other staff costs. 2 Comprising mainly fellowships, seminars and in-service training.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.