ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

267th Session November 1996

Active partnership and technical cooperation, 1965-96

Appendix III

Analysis of ILO technical cooperation expenditure in 1995
by field of activity and source of funds
(excluding administrative expenditure)
in $'000)

Field of activity Expenditure Total
for 1994
% change
International labour standards
Departmental management 287 - - 373 660 739 -
Application of standards 251 - - 219 470 251 -
Freedom of association 8 - - - 8 20 -
Equality and human rights 131 - - 38 169 118 -
Labour law information 10 - - 20 30 11 -
Subtotal 687 - - 649 1 337 1 139 17.4
Departmental management 1 336 200 - 394 1 929 1 556 -
Labour market policies - 37 - 1 365 1 403 1 469 -
Migration for employment 48 29 - 736 813 816 -
Employment strategies and policies - 1 670 - 578 2 248 1 963 -
Subtotal 1 383 1 936 - 3 074 6 393 5 804 10.2
Enterprise and cooperative development
Departmental management 194 182 - 886 1 262 1 360 -
Entrepreneurship and management development 203 5 522 - 5 588 11 313 13 153 -
Cooperatives 94 3 324 - 6 526 9 944 11 233 -
Subtotal 491 9 028 - 13 001 22 520 25 746 -12.5
Departmental management 1 869 - - - 1 869 2 081 -
Training policies and programme development 18 96 - 329 443 179 -
Vocational training systems management 36 2 835 - 5 599 8 470 10 149 -
Vocational rehabilitation 115 437 - 1 984 2 536 3 979 -
Subtotal 2 038 3 368 - 7 911 13 317 16 388 -18.7
Industrial relations and labour administration
Departmental management 651 22 - - 673 556 -
Labour law and labour relations 122 40 - 961 1 122 1 048 -
Labour administration 160 275 - 2 566 3 001 3 194 -
Subtotal 932 337 - 3 527 4 797 4 799 0.0
Working conditions and environment
Departmental management 1 249 - - 7 953 8 202 4 683 -
Occupational safety and health - 627 - 1 634 2 261 2 096 -
Conditions of work and welfare facilities - 117 - 173 290 54 -
Safety and health information - - - 916 916 1 531 -
PIACT 575 - - - 575 660 -
Subtotal 824 744 - 10 676 12 244 9 024 35.7
Sectoral activities
Departmental management 93 - - - 93 120 -
Industrial activities 20 - - 821 841 829 -
Maritime industries 175 358 - 770 1 303 1 803 -
Salaried employees 9 - - - 9 1 -
Hotel and tourism 7 342 - 1 054 1 403 2 359 -
Subtotal 304 699 - 2 644 3 648 5 111 -28.6
Social security 433 695 - 864 1 992 1 897 5.1
Bureau of statistics 101 37 - 282 420 237 77.3
Support to development policies
Departmental management 62 217 - 9 287 187 -
Development policies 220 5 699 8 266 10 328 24 514 24 622 -
Promotion of technical cooperation - - - 92 92 479 -
Subtotal 283 5 916 8 266 10 429 24 893 25 289 -1.6
Institute 103 96 - - 198 351 -43.5
Employers' activities 873 - - 640 1 513 1 831 -17.4
Workers' activities 3 253 191 - 3 099 6 544 5 510 18.8
Miscellaneous 2 721 8 163 - 4 230 13 114 10 506 24.8
Total ILO technical cooperation programmes in 1995 12 426 31 211 8 266 61 028 112 930 - -0.6
Total ILO technical cooperation programmes in 1994 9 294 38 522 7 267 58 548 - 113 631 -
1 Mostly incurred by IPEC. 2 Includes projects administered by regional offices, MDTs, etc., in various technical fields.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.