ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

267th Session November 1996

Active partnership and technical cooperation, 1995-96

Appendix VI

Nationality of experts *

Number of experts on assignment on 31 December 1994
and on 31 December 1995
(By nationality, associate experts in brackets)

Nationality Number . Nationality Number
31.12.94 . 31.12.95 . . 31.12.94 . 31.12.95 .
Argentina 2 - 2 - Korea, Rep. of 2 - 2 -
Australia 8 - 5 - Maili 1 - 1 -
Austria - (1) - - Mauritius 1 - - -
Bangladesh 4 - 3 - Myanmar 1 - 1 -
Belgium 11 (6) 8 (11) Panama - - 1 -
Benin 2 (1) 2 (1) Netherlands 14 (40) 11 (46)
Brazil - (1) 1 (1) New Zealand 3 - 1 -
Burkina Faso 1 - 1 - Nigeria 4 - 3 -
Cameroon 1 (2) 2 (2) Norway 7 (5) 7 (4)
Canada 4 - 7 - Pakistan 1 - 1 -
Chad 1 (1) 1 - Peru 8 - 4 -
Chile 1 - 1 - Philippines 5 - 4 -
Colombia 4 - 2 - Poland - - 2 -
Costa Rica 1 - 1 - Portugal 2 - 3 -
Cte d'Ivoire 1 - 1 - Rwanda 1 - - -
Denmark 4 (12) 4 (9) Senegal 2 - 1 (1)
Egypt 1 - 1 - Spain 4 (3) 4 (4)
Ethiopia 2 - 2 - Sri Lanka 4 - 3 (1)
Finland 6 (2) 4 (2) Sudan - - 1 -
France 24 (4) 18 (3) Sweden 7 (7) 5 (7)
Germany 7 (8) 5 (8) Switzerland 1 (2) 1 (1)
Ghana 4 - 3 - Thailand 2 - 2 -
Greece 1 - 1 - Togo - - 1 -
Hungary - - 1 - Turkey 2 - 1 -
India 10 - 7 - United Kingdom 18 - 14 -
Iran, Islamic Rep. of 1 - 1 - United States 7 (1) 6 -
Ireland 2 - 1 - Uruguay 1 - - -
Israel 2 - 1 - Venezuela 1 - - -
Italy 6 (5) 6 (6) Viet Nam 1 - 1 -
Jamaica - - 1 - Yugoslavia 1 - - -
Japan 1 (6) 1 (5) Zaire 2 (1) 2 (1)
Jordan 1 - 1 - Stateless 1 - - -
Kenya 2 - 1 - Total 217


(108) 179


- - Experts
Number of women experts
(49) 1995
- - Developed countries
Developing countries ** (and stateless)


- 118


- - Total 217 - 179 -
* Excluding consultants recruited under external collaboration contracts. ** Excluding associate experts.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.