ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

268th Session
Geneva, March 1997
Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee PFA


Matters relating to the Administrative Tribunal
of the ILO

Composition of the Tribunal

1. Article III, paragraph 2, of the Statutes of the ILO Administrative Tribunal states: "the judges shall be appointed for a period of three years by the Conference". The Tribunal currently has the following composition:


2. Sir William Douglas and Mr. Edilbert Razafindralambo (both born in 1921) have served the Tribunal from 1982 up to the age-limit which judges have customarily set for themselves, and have contributed during these many years to the important development of international civil service law. Sir William Douglas has held the presidency with considerable distinction since 1994, after acting as Vice-President since 1992.

3. The Committee will no doubt wish to recommend to the Governing Body, and through it, to the Conference, that they convey to Sir William Douglas and Mr. Edilbert Razafindralambo their profound appreciation of the services which they have diligently and consistently rendered for 15 years to the international community.

4. Following the departure of Sir William Douglas and Mr. Razafindralambo, the posts of two judges will fall vacant. In accordance with current practice whereby members of the Tribunal are appointed from amongst persons holding or who have held high judicial office, with account being taken of the need for an overall equilibrium at linguistic level, and in terms of different systems of law and geographical representation, the Director-General, after consultation with the Officers of the Governing Body, proposes the following appointments:

5. The Committee is accordingly invited to recommend to the Governing Body that it submit to the International Labour Conference, for adoption at its forthcoming session, the following resolution:

The General Conference of the International Labour Organization,

Expressing its profound appreciation to Sir William Douglas and Mr. Edilbert Razafindralambo of the services which they have diligently and consistently rendered for 15 years to the international community;

Decides, in accordance with Article III of the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization, to appoint as judges of the Administrative Tribunal for a term of three years with effect from 1 July 1997 and, for the sake of uniformity,(1) until 31 July 2000:

Geneva, 19 March 1997.

Points for decision:

1. See doc. GB.262/PFA/14.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.