ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

268th Session
Geneva, March 1997
Committee on Sectoral and Technical Meetings
and Related Issues


Other questions

Draft IMO/ILO/UN/ECE Guidelines for Packing of
Cargo Transport Units (CTUs)

1. The IMO/ILO guidelines for training in the packing of cargo in freight containers was adopted jointly by the two organizations and first published by IMO in 1978. The guidelines were expanded and updated in 1985 and a new version was subsequently published by IMO. It was intended as a short guide to the essentials of safe packing for use by persons responsible for the packing and securing of cargo in freight containers or vehicles and by persons whose task it is to train people to pack those units.

2. In January 1996, the Working Group on Ship/Port Interface of the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO prepared a new text revising the guidelines. The revised draft guidelines, further expanded and renamed Guidelines for the packing of cargoes, other than bulk cargoes into or on to cargo transport units (CTUs) applicable to transport operations by all surface and water modes of transport were approved by the UN/ECE Working Party on Combined Transport at its 25th Session (September 1996) and by the IMO's Maritime Safety Committee at its 67th Session (September 1996). The Maritime Safety Committee instructed the Secretary-General of IMO to publish the guidelines, in cooperation with the UN/ECE and ILO, after endorsement by the two organizations.

3. The draft guidelines are attached.

4. The Committee on Sectoral and Technical Meetings and Related Issues may wish to recommend that the Governing Body endorse the publication by IMO of the IMO/ILO/UN/ECE Guidelines for the packing of cargoes, other than bulk cargoes into or on to cargo transport units (CTUs), applicable to transport operations by all surface and water modes of transport.

Geneva 17 February 1997

Point for decision: Paragraph 4.

Appendix ["Not reproduced here"]

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.