ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations
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269th Session
Geneva, June 1997


Questions arising out of the 85th Session of the
International Labour Conference

Follow-up on the discussion of the Report of the Director-General

1.  The discussion of the Director-General's Report to the 85th Session of the International Labour Conference provided a wealth of comments and guidelines for the future of the ILO's standard-setting activities.

2.  In his reply to the debate on his Report to the 85th Session of the International Labour Conference, the Director-General said that the Governing Body would at its present session be considering specifically what the next step should be in its discussion of the Declaration concerning the strengthening of the workers' fundamental rights and of the follow-up arrangements.

3.  In order to do justice to the whole debate on the issue, the Director-General feels that a general item on the conclusions to be drawn from the discussion should be placed on the agenda of the November 1997 Session of the Governing Body. When considering this item, the Governing Body could of course, if it so wished, decide to include in the agenda of the 86th Session of the International Labour Conference in 1998 an additional item concerning a Declaration on the workers' fundamental rights and the follow-up arrangements. It could also consider in general and global terms, without the constraints and limitations associated with the discussion of a report of one of its committees, the programme and time-table of the action to be taken in order to follow up the various concrete suggestions that the Conference endorsed. Needless to say, this debate would in no way prejudge the discussions already under way in its committees or other competent bodies on the basis of papers submitted to them by the Office. Naturally, too, the Director-General intends in the meantime, and right up to the Governing Body meeting, to pursue his consultations at every level so that the papers submitted on this subject can offer as broad a basis for agreement as possible.

Geneva, 19 June 1997.

Point for decision: Paragraph 3. 

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.