ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

270th Session
Geneva, November 1997

Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee



Voluntary contributions and gifts

1. At its 151st Session (February-March 1962), the Governing Body authorized the Director-General to accept gifts in money or in kind made by governments, governmental or non-governmental organizations or private persons in aid of ILO operational programmes, at his discretion and subject to the condition that the gifts should not involve any financial liability for the Members of the Organization. These general powers were given to the Director-General in extension of the authority granted by the Governing Body at its 130th Session (November 1955) and confirmed at its 138th Session (February-March 1958). At its 251st Session (November 1991), the Governing Body authorized the Director-General to accept gifts in money or in kind made by governments, governmental or non-governmental organizations or private persons, at his discretion, provided that they did not involve any financial liability for the Members of the Organization and provided that details of such gifts were reported periodically to the Governing Body.

2. Details of gifts accepted by the Director-General were last communicated to the Committee in November 1995.(1)  Gifts accepted in aid of operational programmes since that date are listed in the appendix. These gifts represent donations towards ongoing ILO activities and do not therefore include funds received for technical cooperation activities.

Geneva, 14 October 1997.


Gifts in aid of operational programmes

In November 1995, the Labour Research Centre for Labour Studies in Japan made a donation of 2 million yen for a survey of institutes of labour studies in the Asian region. The Centre made two additional donations, of 2 million yen each, in September and December 1996.

In January 1996, the French Government contributed 500,000 French francs towards the production of the French version of the Encyclopaedia of Medicine, Hygiene and Work Safety, intended for publication during the current biennium.

In support of the XIVth World Congress on Occupational Safety and Health, jointly organized by the ILO, ISSA, and the Ministry of Labour of Spain, which was held in Madrid from 23-27 April 1996, the Office received $8,000 in April 1996 from the Japan International Labour Foundation (JILAF) and 6,962,184 pesetas in December 1996 from the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In July 1996, the Japanese Federation of Employers' Association (NIKKEIREN) donated 1 million yen towards the ILO Enterprise Forum held in Geneva from 8 to 9 November 1996.

In September 1996, a contribution of $5,000 was received from the Inter-American Development Bank towards a study on Employment policies in the American region. A further contribution of $10,000 was received from the Bank in March 1997.

In December 1996, the Government of the Netherlands gave a grant of $35,000 to cover ILO input to the Amsterdam Child Labour Conference on the most intolerable forms of child labour (27-28 February 1996).

In January 1997, the World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES) contributed $5,118 towards a joint ILO/WAPES interregional technical meeting on Strategies Development by the Public Employment Service in Response to Structural Changes in the Labour Market, held in Geneva from 23 to 24 January 1997.

In June 1997, the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO) donated 6,500,000 yen towards the ILO/RENGO African Regional Leadership Workshop on Workers' Benefits from Productivity Improvement, held in Harare from 28 to 31 July 1997.

Other gifts

In June 1997, H.R.H. King Hussein of Jordan offered a crystal vase.

In addition, various plaques and decorative objects were presented to the Office.

1.  GB.264/PFA/2.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.