ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations




Symposium on Multimedia Convergence

Geneva, 27-29 January 1997

Revised list of participants
Liste révisée des participants
Lista revisada de participantes

Representative of the Governing Body
of the International Labour Office

Représentant du Conseil d'administration
du Bureau international du Travail

Representante del Consejo de Administración
de la Oficina Internacional del Trabajo

Workers' Group/Groupe des travailleurs/Grupo de los Trabajadores

M. Marc BLONDEL, secrétaire général, Confédération générale du travail/Force ouvrière (CGT-FO), Paris


Mr. Peter LEISINK, Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht

M. André NAYER, directeur, Créations et recherche pluridisciplinaire (CRP), Université libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles

Members representing governments
Membres représentant les gouvernements
Miembros representantes de los gobiernos

Canada Canadá

Ms. Barbara MOTZNEY, Senior Policy Advisor, Broadcasting Policy Branch, Department of Canadian Heritage, Hull

Colombia Colombie

Srta. María Francisca ARIAS, Ministra Consejera, Misión Permanente de Colombia en Ginebra

Egypt Egypte Egipto

Ms. Nagwa ABDALLA ABD-EL HAFEZ, G.M. of Computer System, Egyptian Radio and Television Union, Cairo

Advisers/Conseillers techniques/Consejeros técnicos

Ms. Islah AMIN, Counsellor of Labour Affairs, Permanent Mission of Egypt in Geneva

Mr. Hassan ABDELMONEIM MOSTAFA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Egypt in Geneva

France Francia

M. Dominique SCHALCHLI, chargé de mission, ministère du Travail et des Affaires sociales, Mission internationale, Paris

Germany Allemagne Alemania

Mr. Jürgen WARNKEN, Referent, Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Bonn

Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico

Mr. Werner RINGKAMP, Adviser, Permanent Mission of Germany in Geneva

Hungary Hongrie Hungría

Ms. Eszter GERECZ KERTESZNE, Director, Ministry of Culture and Education, Budapest

Italy Italie Italia

M. Marco BIAGI, professeur de l'Université de Bologne, Bologne

Japan Japon Japón

Mr. Kenji TSUNEKAWA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan in Geneva

Malaysia Malaisie Malasia

Mr. AZLAN YUSOF, Counsellor, Labour Affairs, Permanent Mission of Malaysia in Geneva

United Kingdom Royaume-Uni Reino Unido

Mr. Kevin TINSLEY, Principal, Department for Education and Employment, London

United States Etats-Unis Estados Unidos

Mr. Robert ZACHARIASIEWICZ, Director of Public Affairs, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, US Department of Labor, Washington

Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico

Mr. Nicholas STIGLIANI, Labor Attaché, Permanent Mission of the United States in Geneva

Members representing the employers
Membres représentant les employeurs
Miembros representantes de los empleadores

Mr. Ahmed AL-QAIZI, Deputy Director, Federation of UAE Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dubai

Ms. Luz Anselma "Luchie" ARGUELLES, Member, Committee on Women and Special Concerns, Employers' Confederation of the Philippines, OP-ED Editor, Manilla Bulletin, Manila

Mr. Walter DURLING, Director, AT&T Global Information Solutions, NCR Corporation, Manager of Human Resources, Charter Communications International, Inc. and Phoenix Data, NCR Corporation, Panama

Sr. José Luis EROSA VERA, Vicepresidente, Radio Fórmula S.A., Presidente, Grupo Ero, S.D. de C.V., México

Mr. Ulrich HOLTZ, Director of Human Resources Europe, Microsoft G.m.b.H., Unterschleissheim

Mr. Adzhar IBRAHIM, Representative, Malaysian Employers' Federation, Binariang Sdn Bhd., Kuala Lumpur

Mr. Wilfred KIBORO, Group Managing Director/Chief Executive, Nation Printers and Publishers, Nairobi

M. Jean-Pierre LEHR, directeur, délégué général, Fédération des industries et métiers du multimédia (FIMM), Paris

Mr. Neil McLARY, Manager, Queensland Region, Printing Industries Association of Australia, Newmarket

Mr. George MENSAH ARYEE, Managing Director, New Times Corporation, Accra

Mr. Philip O'REILLY, Executive Director, Newspaper Publishers' Association of NZ (Inc.), Wellington

M. Etienne REICHEL, directeur suppléant, Association suisse pour la communication visuelle, Viscom -- Direction suisse romande, Pully

Mr. Heinz-Uwe RÜBENACH, Bundesverband Deutscher Zeitungsverleger e.V., Bonn

Sr. Eduardo SALINAS, Director, FEDECAMARAS, Caracas

Ms. Marie-Louise THORSEN LIND, Expert, Adviser, Swedish Employers' Confederation, Stockholm

Members representing the workers
Membres représentant les travailleurs
Miembros representantes de los trabajadores

Sr. Carlos Alberto de ALMEIDA, Presidente, Federación Nacional de Periodistas (FENAJ), Brasilia

Sr. Néstor CANTARIÑO, Secretario General, Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores de los Medios de Comunicación Social (COSITMECOS), Buenos Aires

Advisers/Conseillers techniques/Consejeros técnicos

Sra. Adriana ROZENZVAIG, Secretaria Regional, Federación Gráfica Internacional, Asunción

Sr. Damian LORETI, Asesor Legal, Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores de los Medios de Comunicación Social, Buenos Aires

Mr. Sithembele KHALA, General Secretary, MWASA, Johannesburg

Mr. Tony LENNON, President, Broadcasting Entertainment Cinematograph Theatre Union, London

Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico

Mr. Jim WILSON, General Secretary, Media and Entertainment International, Brussels

M. Thomas LUKUSA TSHIANANGA, Secrétaire national/Département information et presse, Confédération syndicale du Zaïre, Kinshasa

Mr. Bernard LUNZER, Secretary Treasurer, The Newspaper Guild/CWA, Silver Spring, Maryland

Mr. Mohamed Shafie BP MAMMAL, Deputy President, Malaysian Trade Union Congress, Wisma NUTE, Kuala Lumpur

Mr. Shinji MATSUMOTO, General Secretary, International Federation of Musicians, Musicians' Union of Japan, Tokyo

Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico

Mr. John MORTON, President, International Federation of Musicians, Longfield, Kent

Mr. Stellan MATTSSON, Fachet for Sercic och Kommunikation (SEKO), Stockholm

M. Michel MULLER, secrétaire général, Fédération des industries du livre, du papier et de la communication, Montreuil

Ms. Katherine SAND, British Actors' Equity Association, London

M. Pier VERDERIO, responsable du bureau international, FIS-CISL, Rome

Mr. Mikael WALDORFF, General Secretary, Danish Actors' Association, Frederiksberg

Mr. Christopher WARREN, Federal Secretary, Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, Redfern

Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico

Mr. Aidan Patrick WHITE, International Federation of Journalists, Brussels

Mr. Frank WERNEKE, Bundessekretar, Industriegewerkschaft Medien, Stuttgart

Adviser/Conseiller technique/Consejero técnico

Mr. Christopher PATE, General Secretary, International Graphical Federation, Brussels


Representative of member States present at the sittings
Représentant d'Etats Membres présent aux séances
Representante de Estados Miembros presente en las sesiones

Turkey Turquie Turquía

Mr. Midhat SEREF, Counsellor for Labour and Social Affairs, Permanent Mission of Turkey in Geneva

Representatives of United Nations, specialized agencies
and other official international organizations

Représentants des Nations Unies, des institutions spécialisées
et d'autres organisations internationales officielles

Representantes de las Naciones Unidas, de los organismos
especializados y de otras organizaciones internacionales oficiales

Arab Labour Organization (ALO)
Organisation arabe du travail
Organización Arabe del Trabajo

M. Adnan EL TELAWI, chef de la délégation permanente, Genève

European Commission
Commission européenne
Comisión Europea

Mr. Mikko HUTTUNEN, Administrator, DGV, Brussels

Universal Postal Union
Union postale universelle
Unión Postal Universal

Mr. James GUNDERSON, Head of Communications, International Bureau, Bern

Representatives of non-governmental international organizations
Représentants d'organisations internationales non gouvernementales
Representantes de organizaciones internacionales no gubernamentales

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)
Confédération internationale des syndicats libres (CISL)
Confederación Internacional de Organizaciones Sindicales Libres (CIOSL)

Mr. Dan CUNNIAH, Assistant Director, Geneva

International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees (FIET)
Fédération internationale des employés, techniciens et cadres
Federación Internacional de Empleados, Técnicos y Profesionales

Mr. Gerhard ROHDE, Head of Department, Chatelaine/Geneva

International Federation of Journalists
Fédération internationale des journalistes
Federación Internacional de Periodistas

Mr. Aidan WHITE, General Secretary, Brussels

International Federation of Musicians
Fédération internationale des musiciens
Federación Internacional de Músicos

Mr. John MORTON, President, Longfield, Kent

International Graphical Federation
Fédération graphique internationale
Federación Gráfica Internacional

Mr. Chris PATE, General Secretary, Brussels

Ms. Martina GENDELMEYER, Assistant, Brussels

Mr. Anders SKATTJAER, Norwegian Union of Graphical Workers, Oslo

International Organization of Employers
Organisation internationale des employeurs (OIE)
Organización Internacional de Empleadores

Mr. Jean DEJARDIN, Deputy Executive Secretary, Cointrin/Geneva

Media and Entertainment International
Internationale des médias et du spectacle
Internacional del Espectáculo y de los Medios de Comunicación Social

Mr. Jim WILSON, General Secretary, Brussels

Postal Telegraph and Telephone International
Internationale du personnel des postes, télégraphes et téléphones
Internacional de Correos, Telégrafos y Teléfonos

Mr. Philip BOWYER, General Secretary, Le Lignon/Geneva

World Confederation of Labour
Confédération mondiale du travail (CMT)
Confederación Mundial del Trabajo

Mme Béatrice FAUCHERE, Représentante permanente, Genève

World Federation of Trade Unions
Fédération syndicale mondiale (FSM)
Federación Sindical Mundial

M. Albert POTAPOV, Représentant permanent, Genève

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.