ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

271st Session
Geneva, March 1998


Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings


Tripartite Meeting of Export Processing Zone-Operating Countries
(Geneva, 28 September-2 October 1998)

Meeting of Experts on Ambient Factors at the Workplace
(Geneva, 27 January-2 February 1999)

Appointment of Governing Body representatives on various bodies:

Tripartite Meeting of Export Processing
Zone-Operating Countries
(Geneva, 28 September-2 October 1998)

1. The Programme and Budget for 1998-99 (paragraph 80.20) includes provision for a Tripartite Meeting of Export Processing Zone-Operating Countries to consider how to improve the economic and social performance of export processing zones (EPZs) and the extent to which international labour standards can provide an appropriate basis for the conduct of social and labour issues in EPZs. The objective of the discussions is to agree on guidelines for improved employment relations and the establishment of a climate conducive to investment in EPZs. The provision is for a meeting lasting five calendar days and involving ten tripartite delegations.


2. The Director-General proposes the following agenda for the meeting:

  1. Evaluation of the performance of EPZs from a social, labour and economic perspective.
  2. Identification of priorities for improving social and labour relations in EPZs.
  3. Guidelines for improved social and labour relations in EPZs.

3. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body approve the above agenda.


4. The Director-General proposes that, as stated in the programme and budget, the meeting should be attended by ten national tripartite delegations nominated after consultations with governments, the Employers' group and the Workers' group of the Governing Body.

5. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body approve the above composition formula.

6. In order to obtain the nominations, the Director-General intends to approach Bangladesh, Barbados, China, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Should any of those countries prove unable to nominate participants, then the Director-General intends to approach the Governments of Kenya, Malaysia or Trinidad and Tobago.

Invitation of international organizations

7. The Director-General intends to invite the following organizations to be represented by observers at the meeting:

Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

8. The Governing Body may wish to authorize the Director-General to invite the following non-governmental international organizations to be represented by observers at the meeting:

* * *

Meeting of Experts on Ambient Factors at the Workplace
(Geneva, 27 January-2 February 1999)

9. The Programme and Budget for 1998-99 (paragraph 90.20) includes provision for a Meeting of Experts on Ambient Factors at the Workplace. The provision is for a meeting lasting seven calendar days and involving 15 participants.


10. The Director-General proposes the following agenda for the meeting: Examination and adoption of a code of practice on ambient factors at the workplace.

11. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body approve the above agenda.


12. The Director-General proposes that the meeting should be attended by five experts nominated after consultations with governments, five after consultations with the Employers' group, and five after consultations with the Workers' group of the Governing Body.

13. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body approve the above composition formula.

14. In order to obtain the government nominations, account being taken of the need for geographical distribution and to reflect available experience, the Director-General intends to consult the Governments of Brazil, Canada, India, Poland and South Africa. Should any of those governments be unable to nominate a participant, the Director-General intends to approach the Governments of Mexico, the United Kingdom or Zimbabwe.

Invitation of intergovernmental organizations

15. The Director-General intends to invite the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Commission of the European Communities to be represented at the meeting.

Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

16. The Director-General proposes to invite the following non-governmental international organizations to the meeting, all of which have been invited to ILO meetings in the past:

17. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body authorize the Director-General to invite the above organizations to be represented by observers at the meeting.

* * *

Appointment of Governing Body representatives
on various bodies

Tripartite Meeting on the Human Resources Dimension
of Structural and Regulatory Changes and Globalization
in Postal and Telecommunications Services
(Geneva, 20-24 April 1998)

18. In accordance with the established practice, the appointment should be made from among the Employer members of the Governing Body.(1)  The representative will chair the meeting. The Employers' group has nominated Mr. Pierides to represent the Governing Body at the meeting. The Governing Body may wish to approve this nomination.

Tripartite Meeting on Technology and Employment
in the Food and Drink Industries
(Geneva, 18-22 May 1998)

19. The Governing Body may wish to appoint its representative, who will also chair the above meeting. In accordance with the established practice, the appointment should be made from among the Worker members of the Governing Body.

Joint Meeting on Terms of Employment and
Working Conditions in Health Sector Reforms
(Geneva, 21-25 September 1998)

20. The Governing Body may wish to appoint its representative, who will also chair the above meeting. In accordance with the established practice, the appointment should be made from among the Government members of the Governing Body.

Tripartite Meeting on the Impact of Flexible Labour Market
Arrangements in the Machinery, Electrical and Electronic Industries
(Geneva, 26-30 October 1998)

21. In accordance with the established practice, the appointment should be made from among the Employer members of the Governing Body. The representative will chair the meeting. The Employers' group has nominated Mr. Arbesser-Rastburg to represent the Governing Body at the meeting. The Governing Body may wish to approve this nomination.

Geneva, 19 March 1998.

Points for decision:

1. The last such appointment, made at the Governing Body's 270th Session (November 1997), was that of Mr. Simanjuntak (Government, Indonesia) who represented the Governing Body at the Tripartite Meeting on Employment and Industrial Relations Issues in Oil Refining (Geneva, 23-27 February 1998).

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.