ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations


271st Session
Geneva, March 1998


Approval of the minutes of the 270th Session
of the Governing Body

1. The draft minutes of the 270th Session were circulated on 2 March with the request that any corrections that members might wish to have made should be forwarded to the Office by 12 noon on Friday, 20 March 1998.

2. The following corrections have been received:

Page IV/2
The statement by Mr. Joublanc should read as follows:

Mr. Joublanc (Government, Mexico) noted that the Office paper now under examination made reference to delegates' statements at the Conference in relation to social labelling. His Government appeared on the list of those having approved the social labelling project and having requested that the matter be further examined. He pointed out that the inclusion of the Government of Mexico in the list was incorrect, as the Secretary of Labour and Social Welfare of Mexico had not expressed any approval for social labelling; in support of this statement, he referred to the statement by the Secretary of Labour and Social Welfare of Mexico to the 85th Session of the Conference, in which he had said that, in the light of its potential impact, the acceptability of such an initiative would have to be examined with the greatest objectivity and without haste, so as to ensure that it was not used as an obstacle to trade and that it did not lead to confrontation rather than cooperation for economic progress and development.

Page IV/8
In the last sentence of Mr. Noakes' statement, delete "not".

Page IV/9
In the statement by Ms. Musulin, delete the sentence reading: "This was, however, unconnected with participation in industrial action."

Page V/2
(English only) In line 23, the phrase "respectively Worker and Employer Vice-Chairpersons" should read "respectively Employer and Worker Vice-Chairpersons".

Pages V/2 and V/4
Replace "Mr. Noakes (Employer, New Zealand)" by "Mr. Noakes (Employer, Australia)".

Pages V/3, V/5 and V/7
Replace all references to "Mr. Fyne" by "Mr. Lyne".

Page VII/2
The statement by Mr. Joublanc should read as follows:

Mr. Joublanc (Government, Mexico), speaking in his capacity as Chairperson of the Government group, stated that the Governments of the Americas region had agreed at the beginning of the Governing Body's current mandate that Chile and Argentina would alternate as regular and deputy members of the Governing Body during its current mandate. For this purpose, and subject to confirmation by the Government Electoral College at the next session of the International Labour Conference, the Government group had decided, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Governing Body, that as of the receipt of a letter of resignation from the Governments of Chile and Argentina from the regular and deputy seats that they currently held respectively on the Governing Body, Argentina would become a regular member, and Chile a deputy member, of the Governing Body for the remainder of the Governing Body's current mandate. The Governments of Chile and Argentina had informed the Government group that they would send their letters of resignation at the close of the present session so that the change could take effect as from the Governing Body's next session in March 1998.

Geneva, 20 March 1998.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.