ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

271st Session
Geneva, March 1998

Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee



Matters relating to the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO

Composition of the Tribunal

1. Article III, paragraph 2, of the Statutes of the ILO Administrative Tribunal states: "the judges shall be appointed for a period of three years by the Conference". The Tribunal currently has the following composition:

Judges: Mr. Michel Gentot (France), President: term of office expires in July 1998;

Ms. Mella Carroll (Ireland), Vice-President: term of office expires in July 1999;

Mr. Julio Barberis (Argentina): term of office expires in July 1998;

Mr. Seydou Ba (Senegal): term of office expires in July 2000;

Mr. Jean-François Egli (Switzerland): term of office expires in July 1998;

Mr. Mark Fernando (Sri Lanka): term of office expires in July 1998;

Mr. James K. Hugessen (Canada): term of office expires in July 2000.

2. It is proposed to renew for a period of three years the appointments of M. Michel Gentot, Mr. Julio Barberis and Mr. Jean-François Egli, which expire in July 1998. In view of the doubt expressed by Mr. Mark Fernando regarding his availability in the near future, it is proposed to extend his appointment, which expires in July 1998, by one year only.

3. The Committee is accordingly invited to recommend to the Governing Body that it submit to the International Labour Conference, for adoption at its forthcoming session, the following resolution:

The General Conference of the International Labour Organization,
Decides, in accordance with Article III of the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization, to renew the terms of office of Mr. Michel Gentot (France), Mr. Julio Barberis (Argentina) and Mr. Jean-François Egli (Switzerland) as Judges for a period of three years, and to extend the term of office of Mr. Mark Fernando (Sri Lanka) as a Judge for one year.

Geneva, 11 March 1998.

Point for decision: Paragraph 3.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.