ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

273rd Session
Geneva, November 1998


Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings


Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development in the Public
in the Context of Structural Adjustment and Transition

(Geneva, 14-18 December 1998)

Meeting of Experts on Ambient Factors at the Workplace
(Geneva, 27 January-2 February 1999)

International Symposium on the Future of Employers' Organizations
(Geneva, 19-21 April 1999)

Fourteenth American Regional Meeting
(Lima, August 1999)

Meeting of Experts on Labour Inspection and Child Labour
(Geneva, 27 September-1 October 1999)

Meeting of Experts on Safety in the Use of Insulation Wools
(Geneva, 4-14 October 1999)

International Consultation concerning Follow-up on the World Summit for Social Development
(Geneva, 2-4 November 1999)

Second Enterprise Forum
(Geneva, 5-6 November 1999)

Ninth African Regional Meeting
(Abidjan, December 1999)

Appointment of Governing Body representatives on various bodies

Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development
in the Public Service in the Context of
Structural Adjustment and Transition
(Geneva, 14-18 December 1998)

1. The Director-General has received a request from the International Federation of Training and Development Organizations to be represented by an observer at the meeting.

2. The Governing Body may wish to authorize the Director-General to invite the above non-governmental international organization to be represented by an observer at the meeting.

* * *

Meeting of Experts on Ambient Factors at the Workplace
(Geneva, 27 January-2 February 1999 )


3. At its 271st Session (March 1998), the Governing Body decided that this meeting should be attended by five experts nominated after consultations with governments, five after consultations with the Employers' group, and five after consultations with the Workers' group of the Governing Body. As this meeting will be held in the very near future, in order to allow the participants to be contacted sufficiently in advance the Officers of the Governing Body have approved the following nominations on behalf of the Governing Body.

Nominations made after consultations with Governments(1) 

Mr. B. Seshagiri (Canada), Industrial Hygiene Engineer, Human Resources Development Canada;

Mr. D. B. Deb (India), Deputy Director General, Directorate Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes.

Nominations made after consultations with the Employers' group

Dr. Leonardo Greco (Brazil), Coordinator, Working Group on Occupational Health, Confederação Nacional da Indústria;

Mr. Jean-Claude Aubrun (France), Conseiller, Conseil National du Patronat Français;

Mr. Seichi Horie (Japan), General Manager, Keihin NKK Corporation;

Ms. Anne Knowles (New Zealand), Deputy Chief Executive, New Zealand Employers' Federation;

Mr. Christopher D. Money (United States), Industrial Hygiene Advisor (Europe), EXXON Chemicals Ltd; accompanied by Mr. Matthew Winokur, Director, Worldwide Regulatory Affairs, Philip Morris International, as personal advisor.

Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

4. The Director-General has received requests from the General Confederation of Trade Unions and the International Federation of University Women to be represented by observers at the meeting.

5. The Governing Body may wish to authorize the Director-General to invite the above non-governmental international organizations to be represented by observers at the meeting.

* * *

International Symposium on the Future of
Employers' Organizations
(Geneva, 19-21 April 1999)

6. The Programme and Budget for 1998-99 (paragraph 225.14) provides for an International Symposium on the Future of Employers' Organizations. The provision is for a symposium that will bring together 24 employer experts in Geneva. The programme of meetings approved by the Officers of the Governing Body in June forsees that the symposium will take place from 19 to 21 April 1999 in Geneva.


7. As stated in the Programme and Budget, it is proposed that the agenda of the symposium should be "The Future of Employers' Organizations".

8. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body approve the above agenda.


9. It is proposed that the symposium should be attended by 24 representatives of employers' organizations, nominated after consultations with the Employers' group of the Governing Body, from the following countries:






Czech Republic













South Africa


United States



United Arab Emirates

10. The Officers of the Governing Body recommend that the Governing Body approve the above composition.

* * *

Fourteenth American Regional Meeting
(Lima, August 1999)

Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

11.The Director-General has received a request from the International Federation of Workers' Educational Associations, which is included in the ILO's Special List, to be represented by an observer at the meeting.

12. The Governing Body may wish to authorize the Director-General to invite the above organization to be represented by an observer at the Meeting.

* * *

Meeting of Experts on Labour Inspection and Child Labour
(Geneva, 27 September-1 October 1999)

13. The Director-General has received a request from the General Confederation of Trade Unions to be represented by an observer at the meeting.

14. The Governing Body may wish to authorize the Director-General to invite the above non-governmental international organization to be represented by an observer at the meeting.

* * *

Meeting of Experts on Safety in the Use of Insulation Wools
(Geneva, 4-14 October 1999)

15. At its 270th (November 1997) Session, the Governing Body was informed of the financing, agenda and composition of the above meeting.

16. In order to obtain the government nominations, the Director-General intends to approach the Governments of the following countries: France, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine and the United States. Should any of these governments prove unable to nominate a participant, the Director-General would approach the Governments of Chile, Japan, Kazakhstan and Sweden.

* * *

International Consultation concerning Follow-up
on the World Summit for Social Development
(Geneva, 2-4 November 1999)

17. The Director-General has received requests from the General Confederation of Trade Unions, the International Council of Nurses, the International Federation of University Women, the Public Services International and the World Movement of Christian Workers to be represented by observers at the meeting.

18. The Governing Body may wish to authorize the Director-General to invite the above non-governmental international organizations to be represented by observers at the meeting.

* * *

Second ILO Enterprise Forum
(Geneva, 5-6 November 1999)

19. The Director-General has received requests from the General Confederation of Trade Unions, the International Christian Union of Business Executives, the International Council of Nurses and the International Federation of University Women to be represented by observers at the meeting.

20. The Governing Body may wish to authorize the Director-General to invite the above non-governmental international organizations to be represented by observers at the meeting.

* * *

Ninth African Regional Meeting
(Abidjan, December 1999)

21. The Director-General has received requests from the International Federation of University Women and the World Movement of Christian Workers to be represented by observers at the meeting.

22. The Governing Body may wish to authorize the Director-General to invite the above non-governmental international organizations to be represented by observers at the Meeting.

* * *

Appointment of Governing Body representatives
on various bodies

Tripartite Meeting on Voluntary Initiatives affecting
Training and Education on Safety, Health and
Environment in the Chemical Industries
(Geneva, 22-26 February 1999)

23. The Governing Body may wish to appoint its representative, who will also chair the above meeting. In accordance with the established practice, the appointment should be made from among the Government members of the Governing Body.(2) 

Tripartite Meeting on Managing the Privatization
and Restructuring of Public Utilities
(Geneva, 12-16 April 1999)

24. The Governing Body may wish to appoint its representative, who will also chair the above meeting. In accordance with the established practice, the appointment should be made from among the Employer members of the Governing Body.

Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour Issues
in Small-scale Mines
(Geneva, 17-21 May 1999)

25. The Governing Body may wish to appoint its representative, who will also chair the above meeting. In accordance with the established practice, the appointment should be made from among the Worker members of the Governing Body.

Geneva, 17 November 1998.

Points for decision:

Paragraph 2;


Paragraph 5;


Paragraph 8;


Paragraph 10;


Paragraph 12;


Paragraph 14;


Paragraph 18;


Paragraph 20;


Paragraph 22;


Paragraph 23;


Paragraph 24;


Paragraph 25.

1. At its 272nd Session (June 1998) the Governing Body approved a number of titular and substitute nominations made after consultations with governments (GB.272/10, paras. 9 and 10).

2. The last such appointment, made at the Governing Body's 272nd Session (June 1998), was that of Mr. Brett (Worker member), who was appointed to represent the Governing Body at the Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development in the Public Service in the Context of Structural Adjustment and Transition (Geneva, 14-18 December 1998).

Updated by VC. Approved by RH. Last update: 26 January 2000.